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This Curial Breviary was adopted by the Franciscans in their active lives. They changed the text of the Psalter only, Psalterium Romanum, to the more approved text, the Psalterium Gallicanum. Thus we see that the book used daily by priests got its name in the thirteenth century, although the divine office is almost from Apostolic times.

A fine manuscript of part of Bede's Ecclesiastical History in Saxon, and two other valuable Saxon MSS. King Alfred's translation of Ossian and a copy of Aelfrick's Grammar were discovered in private hands, besides the Psalterium Gallicanum of St.

And the text of the psalms was the Psalterium Gallicanum, which had been in use in the Roman Curial Breviary, But the Pian reform was soon to be followed by a reform of the Breviary text, in accordance with the Sixtine Vulgate, the Clementine Vulgate, and the Vatican text.

Indeed, I thought the subject a very good one, particularly because I had recently thought myself called upon to treat a notable part of it. It was the Monasticon Gallicanum. Dom Michel Germain would have had printed but for the one irremediable hindrance which is rarely foreseen and never avoided. Dom Michel Germain left his manuscript complete, however, and in good order when he died.