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The nobles, with their armies, gathered around Vassali, and Youri was so thoroughly abandoned, that, convinced of the impossibility of maintaining his position, he sent word to his nephew that he yielded to him the capital, and immediately left for his native principality of Galitch. The journey of Vassali, from Kolomna to Moscow, a distance of two hundred miles, was a brilliant triumph.

Mangu proposed capitulation to the Kievians; the fate of Riazan, of Tchernigof, of Vladimir, the capitals of powerful states, announced to them the lot that awaited them in case of refusal, yet the Kievians dared to massacre the envoys of the Khan. Michael, their Grand Prince, fled; his rival, Daniel of Galitch, did not care to remain.

Who are the two victims designated for this horrible vengeance, and who have light-heartedly accepted such a death for themselves as well as for the general? That is what we don't know. That is what we would have known, perhaps, if you had not prevented me from seizing the papers that Prince Galitch has now," Koupriane finished, turning hostilely toward Rouletabille. Rouletabille had turned pale.

Decidedly Onoto did not understand this country, where the worst enemies supped together. Rouletabille had been monopolized at once by Prince Galitch, who took him into a corner and said: "What are you doing here?" "Do I inconvenience you?" asked the boy. The other assumed the amused smile of the great lord.

Annouchka turned her head as though to arrange the folds of her cloak. Galitch contented himself with shrugging his shoulders impatiently and murmuring: "Still some other abomination that you are concocting, monsieur, and that we don't know how to reply to." After which he bowed to the supper-party, took Annouchka's arm and had her move before him. Gounsovski bowed, almost bent in two.

Mstislaf the Bold, then Prince of Galitch, persuaded all the dynasties of Southern Russia to take up arms against the Tartars: his nephew Daniel, Prince of Volhynia, Mstislaf Romanovitch, Grand Prince of Kiev, Oleg of Kursk, Mstislaf of Tchernigof, Vladimir of Smolensk, and Vsevolod, for a short time Prince of Novgorod, responded to his appeal.

Gounsovski, the good fellow, may be a great lump of fat and be like an umbrella merchant, but I have always been grateful to him from the bottom of my heart, you can understand, Athanase Georgevitch." "What reputation has Prince Galitch at the court?" inquired Rouletabille all at once. "Oh, oh!" laughed the others. "Since he went so openly to visit Tolstoi he doesn't go to the court any more."

"And if you have a brother whom you love, Onoto, think how much more amusing it must be to have him shot before you." "Oh, my love, forgive me!" "So you may know and not give any pain to your Annouchka in the future, I will tell you, madame, what happened to our dear friend," said Prince Galitch.

At the final supreme insult, Gounsovski started and rose to his feet as though he had received an actual blow in the face. He did not look at Annouchka, but fixed his eyes on Prince Galitch. His finger pointed him out: "There is the man," he hissed, "who has told you all these fine things." "Yes, it is I," said the Prince, tranquilly.

When the princes of Galitch, of Volhynia, and of Kiev arrived as fugitives in Poland and Hungary, Europe was terror-stricken. The Pope, whose support had been claimed by the Prince of Galitch, summoned Christendom to arms. Louis IX prepared for a crusade.