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She had been thankful when the Gaineses left doubly thankful when a telegram from Bermuda declared Mrs. Carbury to be "in despair" at her inability to fly to Bessy's side thankful even that Mr.

Ansell reminded her, "except the Halford Gaineses." "I am sure they're bad enough. Juliana Gaines will say: 'My dear, is that the way widows' veils are worn in New York this autumn? and Halford will insist on our going to one of those awful family dinners, all Madeira and terrapin." "It's too early for terrapin," Mrs. Ansell smiled consolingly; but Bessy had reverted to her argument.

Tredegar and the Halford Gaineses. They'll be here this evening, I suppose." They exchanged a discouraged glance, knowing how little difference the presence of the Halford Gaineses would make. "He wanted to know if there was no telegram from Amherst." "No." "Then they mean to begin." A nursemaid appeared in the doorway. "Miss Cicely " she said; and Justine bounded upstairs.

It was virtually the defeat of his policy, and he had to suffer the decent triumph of the Gaineses, as well as the bitterer pang of his foiled aspirations.

"He has been found at Corrientes. It will take him at least a month to get here." "A month good God!" "And it may take Mr. Langhope longer." Their eyes met. "It's too long ?" she asked. "I don't know I don't know." He shivered slightly, turning away into the window. Justine sat down to dash off messages to Mr. Tredegar and the Gaineses: Amherst's return must be made known at once.

Though Justine's adaptability made it easy for her to fit into the Lynbrook life, Bessy knew that she stood as much outside of it as Amherst. She could never, for instance, be influenced by what Maria Ansell and the Gaineses and the Telfers thought.

When all about her spoke a language so different from his own, how could he hope to make himself heard? He knew that her family and her immediate friends Mr. Langhope, the Gaineses, Mrs. Ansell and Mr. Tredegar far from being means of communication, were so many sentinels ready to raise the drawbridge and drop the portcullis at his approach.

And now Cicely was in bed, the last "long-distance" call was answered, the last orders to kitchen and stable had been despatched, Wyant had stolen down to her with his hourly report "no change" and she was waiting in the library for the Gaineses. Carriage-wheels on the gravel: they were there at last. Justine started up and went into the hall.