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This view will at first appear extremely improbable; but we shall hereafter find with many animals standing much higher in the scale, namely fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds, that various kinds of crests, knobs, horns and combs have been developed apparently for this sole purpose. Onitis furcifer, male viewed from beneath. Onitis furcifer. Left-hand figure, male, viewed laterally.

The prejudice against the fork in England remained very steadfast actual centuries after its first introduction; forks are particularised among the treasures of kings, as if they had been crown jewels, in the same manner as the iron spits, pots, and frying-pans of his Majesty Edward III.; and even so late as the seventeeth century, Coryat, who employed one after his visit to Italy, was nicknamed "Furcifer."

It was one of the severest punishments for a slave who had committed a fault, to have to take the piece of wood which supports the pole of a wagon, and carry it about through the neighborhood; a slave who had once undergone the shame of this, and been thus seen by the household and the neighbors, had no longer any trust or credit among them, and had the name of furcifer; furca being the Latin word for a prop, or support.

The great punishment for a slave who had done wrong was to make him carry round the neighbourhood the piece of wood on which the pole of a waggon is rested. The slave who has done this and been seen by the neighbours and friends, lost his credit, and was called furcifer, for the Romans call that piece of timber furca, "a fork," which the Greeks call hypostates, "a supporter."

Onitis furcifer, processes of anterior femora of the male, and on the head and thorax of the female. Onthophagus. Onthophagus rangifer, sexual differences of; variations in the horns of the male. Ophidia, sexual differences of. Ophidium. Opossum, wide range of, in America. Optic nerve, atrophy of the, caused by destruction of the eye.

DICOR, supply EGO I am called, OPIFER? OPIFER? I remember SIGNIFER and FURCIFER but I believe OPIFER stands in this place for M.D., that is, Doctor of Physic." "This is a busy day with us all," said Annot; "will you say at once what you want with me?"

The rude thongs cut the flesh cruelly, and the wretches laughed to see how the delicate boy writhed and faltered under the pain and the load. "Ah, ha! my fine Furcifer," cried Alfidius, when this work was completed. "How do you find yourself?" Furca-bearer, a coarse epithet.