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Every day we spend more than $120 million for foreign oil. This slows our economic growth, it lowers the value of the dollar overseas, and it aggravates unemployment and inflation here at home. Now we know what we must do, increase production. We must cut down on waste. And we must use more of those fuels which are plentiful and more permanent.

We are not accustomed to think of the water as wasted, since it seems beyond our control, but as we are taking a careful account of stock, and seeing how our forests, our fuels and our minerals are disappearing, and our soil being carried out to sea by the rushing waters, it is well to consider, also, whether this great resource may not be so used as to benefit mankind in many ways and at the same time lessen the drain on other resources.

But when that computation has been reached it must finally be squared with an ideal standard involving time. Suppose, for example, that engineers conclude that the present fuels are being exhausted at a certain rate; that barring new discoveries industry will have to enter a phase of contraction at some definite time in the future.

A research and development agenda that includes record levels of Federal investment and a permanent tax credit to strengthen private R and D and create jobs. A comprehensive national energy strategy that calls for energy conservation and efficiency, increased development and greater use of alternative fuels.

The fuels to be considered are anthracite and bituminous coals, crude petroleum, and coal, generator and water gases. We will now consider the subject of cost. The following cities have been selected, as manufacturing centers, termini of railroads, or fueling ports for steamers.

And, O monarch, costly tents, incapable of being attacked, apart from one another, were, by hundreds and thousands, set up for those kings on the surface of the earth, that looked like palatial residences and abounded with fuels and edibles and drinks.

Where a gas supply is available its use is to be recommended for small stationary boilers. Solid Fuels. The chief disadvantages attaching to these are smoke and fumes; but as a solid fuel gives better results than liquid in a large furnace, it is preferred under certain conditions, one of them being that steam is not raised in a living room.

The grazing lands are conserved by proper forest control, and the supply of animal food depends largely on the grazing lands. Fisheries are dependent on proper care of the waters, which in turn depend on forest control, and on proper care of the by-products of factories. Coal is conserved by the use of lower-grade fuels, by using waste from the forests, and by substituting water-power.

At present petrol is the chief fuel used for the motor engine. Numerous experiments have been tried with other fuels, such as benzine, but petrol yields the best results. Petrol is distilled from oil which comes from wells bored deep down in the ground in Pennsylvania, in the south of Russia, in Burma, and elsewhere.

With the new fuels you'd need ninety tons of fuel to carry the guy there, and sixty more for every ton the ship weighed itself. Call it six hundred tons for the rocket to carry one man to the moon." Sally nodded absorbedly. "I've seen figures like that," she agreed. "But take a guy like me!" said Mike the midget bitterly. "I weigh forty-five pounds, not two hundred!