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A rotten rope was found loosely knotted round the vertebrae of his neck. 'Wohlgeborne, gesunde Kinder bringen viel mit.... 'Wenn die Natur verabscheut, so spricht sie es laut aus: das Geschöpf, das falsch lebt, wird früh zerstört. 'When Nature abhors, she speaks it aloud: the creature that lives with a false life is soon destroyed.

For other professions stand apart from the human business of life; but an art has its seat at the centre of the artist's doings and sufferings, deals directly with his experiences, teaches him the lessons of his own fortunes and mishaps, and becomes a part of his biography. So says Goethe: "Spat erklingt was fruh erklang; Gluck und Ungluck wird Gesang."

One regrets, however, that its best points were previously used in Schumann's perfect folk-song, "Wenn ich früh in den Garten geh'." Chadwick has two folk-songs of his own, however, which are superb. "He Loves Me" is a tender, cradle-song-like bit of delicious color. The "Lullaby" is a genuinely interesting study in this overworked form.

Between their draughts of beer they drank always from the bottles the Tahitians often recurred to the song of Kelly. Having no g, l, or s among the thirteen letters of their missionary-made alphabet, they pronounced the refrain as follows: Hahrayrooyah! I'm a boom! Hahrayrooyah! Boomagay! Hahrayrooyah! Hizzandow! To tave ut fruh tin!

She was passing through a wicket that protects the footpath across the golf links, when she heard Stampa growl: "Morgen früh!" "Ja!" snapped Bower. She smiled to herself at the thought that things were going to happen to-morrow. She was right. But she had not yet done with the present day.

The wooden cups or bowls used by the Tibetans are called pu-ku, fruh, or cariel. In them tsamba is eaten after tea has been poured on it, and the mixture worked into a paste by more or less dirty fingers. The Tibetans are fond of meat, but few can afford to eat it. Wild game, yak, and sheep are considered excellent food.

K becomes a light guttural ch, and a great number of monosyllabic words especially those ending in ut and üh receive a peculiar twist from the introduction of e or ei: as gut, früh, which become guet, früeih. This seems to be a characteristic feature of the South-German dialects, though in none is it so pronounced as in the Alemannic.

For other professions stand apart from the human business of life; but an art has its seat at the centre of the artist's doings and sufferings, deals directly with his experiences, teaches him the lessons of his own fortunes and mishaps, and becomes a part of his biography. So says Goethe: "Spät erklingt was früh erklang; Glück und Unglück wird Gesang."

In better vein is a letter from Beethoven to the copyist Rampel, who had worked for him during a period of many years. He had Beethoven's favor more than any other copyist, on account of a peculiar faculty he possessed for deciphering the master's handwriting. Bestes Ramperl, Komme um morgen früh. Gehe aber zum Teufel mit deinem Gnädiger Herr. Gott allein kann nur gnädig geheissen werden.

Hallelujah! Bum again! Hallelujah! Give us a hand-out! To save us from sin!" The Tahitians rocked to and fro, threw back their heads, and, their eyes shut as in their religious himenes, chorused joyfully: "Hahrayrooyah! I'm a boom! Hahrayrooyah! Boomagay! Hahrayrooyah! Hizzandow! To tave ut fruh tin!"