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The words used may be the same, but the connotation, all the words imply and suggest, is, perhaps in very important respects, different, and requires a paraphrase, longer or shorter, to explain them. Take the word "false" in English and "falsch" in German.

I wrote Poppas some account of these horrors, as during the court proceedings we had become rather better friends than of old. His reply arrived only a few days ago; a photograph of himself upon a camel, under which is written: Traulich und Treu ist's nur in der Tiefe: falsch und feig ist was dort oben sich freut!

Accordingly, when a German Chancellor asserts that the statement of an English Minister is "falsch" he does not necessarily mean anything offensive, but only that the English Minister is mistaken.

His method of giving a lesson was to place the music upon the piano, start the pupil going, then retire to a comfortable couch, light his pipe and smoke at ease, troubling himself little about the pupil's doings, except occasionally to call out 'Falsch! "So I, too, began to teach the piano.

Her uncle, in a rage, dismissed the matter with: Du bist falsch unterrichtet. An American in Berlin had a clause in his apartment lease that his obligations were abruptly and automatically terminated should Germany be in a state of war. Yet when he wished to pack up and go his German landlord took the case to court on, the ground that Germany had not declared war.

A rotten rope was found loosely knotted round the vertebrae of his neck. 'Wohlgeborne, gesunde Kinder bringen viel mit.... 'Wenn die Natur verabscheut, so spricht sie es laut aus: das Geschöpf, das falsch lebt, wird früh zerstört. 'When Nature abhors, she speaks it aloud: the creature that lives with a false life is soon destroyed.