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DON EDUARDO. Ya yo que no hay mucho de qué.... ¡Caramba y qué chasco! Lo peor es que conozco que estoy enamorado de veras. ¡Ah, Matilde!... y quién pudiera presumir ... en fin ¡paciencia!... y esperaré a estar más de sangre fría para determinar lo que me queda que hacer.... ¡Ah, Matilde, Matilde! BRUNO. Aquí tiene usted una carta del Sr. D. Eduardo. DON PEDRO. Bueno. Déjala aquí.

They were ushered into the general's hospitable quarters late Thursday evening, relayed on from the Agua Fria, after a good noonday rest in camp, and even in bidding them welcome, welcome over again, Mrs. Crook pointed to the brightly lighted assembly room down the winding roadway. "They're having a holiday dance to-night," said she to Lilian.

"Si, señor. I am sorry for Ramon. This thing was not of his doing. He is but a boy " Waring touched the other's arm. "There will be no trouble, Juan. Only keep better track of your horses while I ride this part of the country." "But señor " "I've had business with you before. Two of your cayuses are astray down the Agua Fria. One of them is dragging a maguey lead-rope." "Señor, it is impossible!"

In making these observations, I leave out of the question the hot unhealthy coast-lands of the tierra caliente, and the cold and comparatively sterile plains of the tierra fría, and confine myself to that part of the country which lies between the altitudes of 3,000 and 8,000 feet, between which limits the European races flourish under circumstances of climate which also suited the various Mexican races, who probably came from a colder northern country.

Case had met his master at the game of bluff, and now, with nothing left to hope, had nothing left to dread. Short work the sheriff made of the matter in hand. There had been a killing down on the Agua Fria, and the killer was still at large. Here was only a bungling attempt to kill, and everybody concerned was at hand.

Waring picketed his horse in a dim angle of the Agua Fria Cañon, spread his saddle-blanket to dry in the afternoon sun, and, climbing to a narrow ledge, surveyed the cañon from end to end with a pair of high-power glasses. He knew the men he sought would ride south. He was reasonably certain that they would not ride through the cañon in daylight.

After supper at Agua Fria, Corporal Frank ordered all water-kegs to be filled, for the water at El Morro, or Inscription Rock, our next camping-place, was poor. The distance was seventeen and a half miles. The next march was to the junction of the Rio Pescado and Otter Creek, twenty-two miles, and the following to Arch Spring, nineteen miles.

This announcement was received with pleasure; for since leaving Agua Fria little water had been drunk, it being either muddy, stagnant, or alkaline. The water at Navajo Springs was said to be pure. Ten o'clock next morning found us at the springs. They were fifteen in number, clustered in an area of less than an acre.

Then, as children will, we began to speculate on what should follow for us. "When I get older I'm going to be a freighter like Jondo, Bill and me. We'll kill every Indian who dares to yell along the trail. I'm going back to Santa and kill that boy that stared at me like he was crazy one day at Agua Fria."

Then he turned to Jim Galway: "Has John Prather arrived?" "Yes, last night." "He is here now?" Jack put in quickly. "No; he pulled out at dawn on his way to Agua Fria." "Oh!" Jack was plainly disappointed. "He has the grant for the water rights?" "Yes," said Jim, "though he hasn't made the fact public.