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Well, we must have them all, under pain of losing the salaries given us by the State, the rue de Jerusalem, or the minister of Commerce." "You certainly seem to me a remarkable man," said Gazonal. Fromenteau looked at the provincial without replying, without betraying the smallest sign of feeling, and departed, bowing to no one, a trait of real genius.

"Do you belong to the police?" asked Gazonal, eying with uneasy curiosity the hard, impassible little man, who was dressed like the third clerk in a sheriff's office. "Which police do you mean?" asked Fromenteau. "There are several?" "As many as five," replied the man.

"He is the right arm of the commercial police," said Gaillard in Bixiou's ear, "but you can never find out who pays him most, the debtor or the creditor." "The more rascally a business is, the more honor it needs. I'm for him who pays me best," continued Fromenteau addressing Gaillard. "You want to recover fifty thousand francs and you talk farthings to your means of action.

She spoke in breathless tones, lowering her voice to a whisper for fear of being overheard by the passers-by: "Take me with you, citoyen, and hide me, for the love of pity!... They are in my room in the Rue Fromenteau.

"If I were to enumerate the qualities which make a man remarkable in our vocation," said Fromenteau, whose rapid glance had enabled him to fathom Gazonal completely, "you'd think I was talking of a man of genius. All these facilities and qualities, monsieur, are depicted on the door of the Gymnase-Amoros as Virtue.

On his arrival, he found the Père Longuemare in the garret reading his breviary. Holding Athenaïs by the hand, he drew the other's attention to her: "Father," he said, "here is a girl from the Rue Fromenteau who has been shouting: 'Vive le roi! The revolutionary police are on her track. She has nowhere to lay head. Will you allow the girl to pass the night here?"

"Brotteaux, who, at this period of his despicable life, was living in concubinage with a prostitute he had picked up in the mud of the Rue Fromenteau, the girl Athenaïs, easily suborned her to his purposes and made use of her to foment the counterrevolution by impudent and unpatriotic cries and indecent and traitorous speeches.

Some writers suggest 1415, and some 1420 or 1422, as the date; whilst Froidmantel, in Picardy, is conjectured by some, and Fromenteau, in Touraine, by others, as the place.

His principal method of conversation consisted in sowing his speeches with sayings taken from plays then in vogue and pronounced in imitation of well-known actors. "We have come to blague," said Leon. "Well, this time, we've got him, sure," said Gaillard's other visitor, apparently by way of conclusion. "Are you sure of it, pere Fromenteau?" asked Gaillard.

On his arrival at Fromenteau, only five leagues from Paris, the Emperor could no longer hear gunfire and he realised that the city was in the hands of the allies, which was confirmed at Villejuif. Marmont had, in fact signed a capitulation which delivered the capital to the enemy.