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I warned you. No fight to-day. Time not ripe. All that is needed is done do not undo it. Hist! the sergens de ville are force enough to disperse the swarm of those gnats. Behind the sergens come soldiers who will not fraternise. Lose not one life to-day. The morrow when we shall need every man nay, every gamin will dawn soon. Answer not. Obey!"

I might add that this constituted one of the greatest scandals of the camp, and precipitated a feeling of smouldering rebellion, not against the German authorities, but against the traitors who did not refrain from attempting to fraternise with us after the diabolical repudiation of their nationality.

An effort was being made to promote a real Anglo-Italian understanding, to substitute for those misty and unreal personifications "England" to an Italian, "Italy" to an Englishman real personal knowledge and a sense of individual comradeship in a great cause. Our task, in short, was not only to fight, but also to fraternise. But would we fraternise successfully?

"Well, there is no one else of suitable position, or indeed of sufficient wealth to entertain you," continued Longford "Unless you had wished me to fraternise with the brewer, Mordaunt Appleby? HE certainly might have been useful! oj He would sell his soul to a title!" Roxmouth gave an exclamation of mingled contempt and impatience, and dropped the conversation.

The two younger ladies, however, had begun to fraternise very freely, and Miss Ruck presently went wandering out of the room with her arm round the waist of Miss Church.

Instead of idling in his ward and disturbing the patients who are still confined to bed and who, often, are urgently in need of quietness the convalescent departs to one or other of the recreation rooms, morning and afternoon, where he can make as much noise as he likes and where he can meet and fraternise with his comrades from every front.

Santerre answered for the neutrality of the national guard. "Do not fear," said he; "Pétion will be there." Pétion in reality had on the previous evening ordered the battalions of the national guard to get under arms, not to oppose the columns of the people, but to fraternise with the petitioners and swell the cortège of sedition.

During popular movements in Germany and Russia, the party of freedom has sometimes hoped that the troops would come over to their side would "fraternise," as the expression goes.

After they had all individually sworn to defend Robespierre's life, they were informed of the arrival of the ministers and members of the Assembly who had belonged to the club in '89, and who in this perilous state of their country, had come to fraternise with the Jacobins.

Now, great Irrawaddy take us safely down your length, and preserve us from sandbanks and let us spend some more hours on your lovely banks; and we will go down with your rafts of bamboos, and teak, and pottery, and canoes, and we will avoid all trains till you fraternise with old ocean again in Rangoon river. Then we will bid you good-bye, it may be for years, but we hope not for ever.