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While a municipal officer was very gravely reading the constitution, an ass forced his way across the square, and placed himself near the spot where the ceremony was performing: a boy, who was under our window, on observing it, cried out, "Why don't they give him the accolade fraternelle!"* * Fraternal embrace.

Outside the schools, especially in the North, a certain number of teachers of both sexes have formed choral societies among work-girls and co-operative societies, such as La Fraternelle at Saint Quentin. In a general way one may say that M. Maurice Buchor's campaign has especially succeeded in departments like that of Aisne and Drôme, where the ground has been prepared by the Academy Inspector.

Je voudrais bien pouvoir assister au diner du Club du 12 juin; mais j'en ai quelque doute, tandis que je crois etre certain, Deo adjuvante, de pouvoir m'asseoir a notre table fraternelle le mardi 26. Je vous serre affectueusement la main. On May 28th Reeve returned to London. The entries in the Journal are of little interest, but he noted: June 12th.

Enthusiastic acclamations followed, a grand chorus of Vive Thomas Paine! The crowd escorted him to Dessein's hotel, in the Rue de l'Egalite, formerly Rue du Roi, and shouted under his windows. At the proper time he was conducted to the Town Hall. The municipality were assembled to bestow the accolade fraternelle upon their representative.

When the Conseil National des Femmes Françaises inaugurated its work to bring together the scattered families of Belgium and northern France, and when the Association pour l'Aide Fraternelle aux Évacués Alsaciens-Lorrains began its work for the dispersed peoples of the provinces, an order was issued by the government to every prefect to furnish lists of all refugees in his district to the headquarters of the women's societies in Paris.

While a municipal officer was very gravely reading the constitution, an ass forced his way across the square, and placed himself near the spot where the ceremony was performing: a boy, who was under our window, on observing it, cried out, "Why don't they give him the accolade fraternelle!"* * Fraternal embrace.