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Ay, an' t' women fowks gat their chaps to join i' t' wark; there were no settin' off for t' public of a neet, an' no threapin' or fratchin' at t' call-hoils. It was wark, wark, wark, through morn to neet, an' all on account o' Throp's wife an' her spinnin'-wheel. "Well, after a time Cohen-eead had getten that sober an' hard-workin', t'owd devil began to grow a bit unaisy.

Theer's lots o' things gells can do in Manchester tailorin, or machinin, or dress-makin, or soomthin like that. But yo must get a bit older, an I must find a place for us to live in, so theer's naw use fratchin, like a spiteful hen. Yo must bide and I must bide. But I'll coom back for yo, I swear I will, an we'll get shut on Aunt Hannah, an live in a little place by ourselves, as merry as larks.

But at lang length shoo turned to Throp an' shoo said: 'Let's put t' clock back, an' then, if onybody's passin' an' looks in on us, an' wants to know why we're workin' of a Sunday morn, we can show 'em t' clock. "Throp said nowt for a bit; he was a soft sort o' a chap, an' didn't want to start fratchin' wi' his wife.

I'd like t' speak a few words wi' ye before I go, an tomorrow I hev t' git over t' Scarsdale betimes, he persisted. 'I don't want t' speak wi' ye: I don't want ever to see ye agin. I jest hate the sight o' ye. She spoke with a vehement, concentrated hoarseness. 'Nay, but ye must listen to me. I will na be put off wi' fratchin speeches. And gripping her arm, he forced her to stop.

He're noan beawn to be snape't wi' a tootlin' whipper-snapper like Joss, a bit of a bow-legged whelp, twenty year yunger nor his-sel. Then there wur a crack coom i' Billy Tootle bassoon; an' Billy stuck to't that some o'th lot had done it for spite. An' there were sich fratchin an' cabals among 'em as never wur known.