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"You are the thoughtfullest man I ever saw on this floor. She's in luck; but I guess you aren't married yet." Banks laughed his high, strained laugh and rose. "No," he answered briskly, "no, not exactly. But I want you to hurry out this bill of goods in time for the four-ten Great Northern. I can't go without it, and I'm counting on making Wenatchee to-night." "Wenatchee?" exclaimed the girl.

A branch of the old Hawaiian royal family, as I recall." "That's right." The big Hawaiian grinned. "I've got a kid sister that weighs as much as you. And my granddad kicked off at ninety-four weighing a comfortable four-ten." "What'd he die of, sir?" Multhaus asked curiously. "Concussion and multiple fractures. He slammed a Ford-Studebaker into a palm tree at ninety miles an hour.

"Oh, Rachel Morrison, am I too late for the four-ten train?"

"That's queer," he said, after a moment. "There's no train arrivin' at Spanish Falls as late as six o'clock. Gets in at four-ten, if she's on time. And she was reported on time to-day." "It appears that there was a misunderstanding. The driver didn't meet the train, so the person he was going after walked all the way to the forks. We happened upon each other there, Mr.

Was Rickie mad? A minute ago and they were boring each other over dogs. What had happened? "Now, now! Quarrelling already?" asked Mrs. Failing. The footman, bringing a lamp, lit up two angry faces. "He says " "He says " "He says we ran over a child." "So you did. You ran over a child in the village at four-seven by my watch. Your train was late. You couldn't have got to the station till four-ten."

Her own people deserted her. I've secured her a decent home and honest training. Whew! It's later than I thought. I'll have to rush to make that four-ten train." An hour later, having given hurried explanations to Anne and started her off in a cab, he was on a north-bound train. And Anne? The bewildered child gathered only one fact from his speech.

The hat and this pink dress go on top; and be sure you get the outfit down to that four-ten train. Good-by," he put out his hand, and a gleam of warmth touched his bleak face. "I'm glad I met you." "And so am I. Good-by." She stopped gathering up the money long enough to give him her hand. "And good luck," she added.

"Well, there's plenty to do just now," said Rachel briskly, as the four-ten halted, and the streams of girls, laden with traveling bags, suit-cases, golf-clubs, tennis-rackets, and queer-shaped bulky parcels that had obviously refused to go into any trunk, began to descend from it. Rachel hurried forward at once, eager to find someone who needed help or directions or a friendly word of welcome.

He listened a moment, then: "Yes, likely I'll change my mind, if I get so's I can drive her all right by three p.m. I'm going east of the mountains, and if I buy I've got to ship her on the four-ten train Yes, I mean the little one with a seat to accommodate two, with a place to carry a trunk behind. Now get busy and rush her down.

At four-ten he went into the dim little basement wine-room of Schoppenvoll.