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Lloyd breakfasted here alone, and it was here that Bennett found her. The one public carriage of Medford, a sort of four-seated carryall, that met all the trains at the depot, had driven to the gate at the foot of the yard, and had pulled up, the horses reeking and blowing.

They had a four-seated carriage for us, while they accompanied us on horseback. That drive was one of the most romantic episodes which ever came into my prosaic life. To be sure I was not in the romance at all, neither one of those bottle-green knights had an eye for me but I was there, and I saw and heard and enjoyed it more than anybody.

So it was with a four-seated carryall that Thaddeus Clayton started for the station on Saturday morning to meet both of his children and their families. The ride home was a silent one; but once inside the house, Jehiel and Hannah Jane, amid a storm of sobs and cries, besieged their father with questions.

There were two four-seated sleighs, for there was a hard-packed white track into the woods toward Triton Lake. Old Dolliver drove one, and his helper manned the other. The English teacher was in charge. She hoped to find bushels of holly berries and cedar buds as well as the materials for wreaths. One pair of the horses was western high-spirited, hard-bitted mustangs.

We were traveling in a four-seated carriage, Bäader on the box, pointing out to us in English, after furtive conversations with the driver in French, the principal points of interest.

"At the gate of the station I hailed a four-seated cab, and we rattled away through the stony streets, brilliant with gas-jets, and in a few moments rolled smoothly across the Avenue de l'Opéra, turned into the Rue de l'Échelle, and stopped. A bright little page, all over buttons, came out, took my luggage, and preceded us into the hallway.

It was, however, a four-seated car that he had been promised the use of; and counting Sylvia and himself and the driver, there was only one place left. While he was wondering to whom it would be best to offer it, Sylvia thought of Ethel West, who had announced that she would not attend the function. By making a short round, they could pass through a market town of some importance.

Yet, singularly enough, it was not the cowboy, mounted on his half-broken bronco that interested Jim; not the ranch wagon, piled high with farm produce, women, and children; not even the Lame Gulch "stage," a four-seated wagon, so crowded with rough-looking men that their legs dangled outside like fringe on a cowboy's "shaps," none of these sights made much impression on the sick man at his upper window.

"I shouldn't wonder if she was having the time of her life, too. I've given her the little four-seated car to call her own while she is out here, and she and Honoria go careering around the country breaking the speed limit every minute in the day, I reckon." "I'm glad you are giving her a good time," said Evan, and he looked glad.

"Well, I'll see," she said. There was not really a great deal to look at when Lapham arrived on the ground in his four-seated beach-wagon. But the walls were up, and the studding had already given skeleton shape to the interior. The floors were roughly boarded over, and the stairways were in place, with provisional treads rudely laid.