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H. Roper-Barrett, Stanley Doust, Harold H. Hackett, Samuel Hardy, and Holcombe Ward, all doubles players of the very highest order, were, and are, well liked and deservedly popular, but are not idolized as were M'Loughlin or Wilding. Singles is a game of the imagination, doubles a science of exact angles. Doubles is four-handed tennis. Enough of this primary reader definition.

She nodded and they replaced the others. Then she touched him on the arm. "Listen," she said, "are you perfectly certain that there is no one coming?" He listened for a moment. "I can't hear any one," he answered. "They've started a four-handed game of pool in the billiard room." She smiled. "Then I will disclose to you Henry's dramatic secret. See!"

In short, for one reason or for another, neither the "gueribas," nor the "sagous," nor any other four-handed animals of this immense forest, sang, on this morning, their usual concert. This would not have satisfied the wandering Indians.

As has been well said, those who speak in this way "have to convert a four-handed ape into an erect man, a screaming baboon into an articulating, speaking being; brutal instinct into reason, will, conscience; a thing that perishes into that which believes in God, and whose soul is immortal." Mr.

The crowd followed, imitating his movements it might be said, as a troop of monkeys following a gigantic, four-handed animal. Then, suddenly, the sorcerer, treading the principal street of Kazounde, went toward the royal residence. As soon as Queen Moini had been informed of the arrival of the new wizard, she appeared, followed by her courtiers.

Knavery was Slavin's style, but apparently he was now playing a straight game, no doubt realizing clearly, behind his impassive mask of a face, the utter futility of seeking to outwit one of Hampton's enviable reputation. It was, unquestionably, a fairly fought four-handed battle, and at last, thoroughly convinced of this, Hampton settled quietly down, prepared to play out his game.

At first sight, the termination of the hind limb of the Gorilla looks very hand-like, and as it is still more so in many of the lower apes, it is not wonderful that the appellation "Quadrumana," or four-handed creatures, adopted from the older anatomists* by Blumenbach, and unfortunately rendered current by Cuvier, should have gained such wide acceptance as a name for the Simian group.

A red-bearded giant, sitting so as to face the doorway, glanced up quickly at his entrance, his coarse mouth instantly taking on the semblance of a smile. "Ah, Bob," he exclaimed, with an evident effort at cordiality; "been wondering if you wouldn't show up before the night was over. You're the very fellow to make this a four-handed affair, provided you carry sufficient stuff."

She was only a little curious about the manoeuvres of the animals, and she called Truey and little Jan up into the tree, in order that they might share the spectacle with her. All the others were off hunting. Jan was delighted, and ran up the ladder at once. So did Truey, and all three stood watching the odd movements of the four-handed creatures.

These creatures are classed by some naturalists among the Monkeys by reason of being "four-handed," while others are disposed to consider as still more important their marked relationship with, and affinity to, the marsupials, gnawers and insect-feeders. On the whole, these creatures are strangely organized and come very near to being a "connecting-link" between other forms.