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I ain't a-fightin' agin you an' Sammy an' neber will it's 'cause I couldn't help it dat I'm wearin' dese clo'es. As to dis money dat you won't let Sammy take, it's mine to gib 'cause I saved it up. I gin it to Sammy 'cause I fotched him up an' 'cause he's as much mine as he is your'n. He'll tell ye so same's me.

"'Well, sah, dey got in heah some way. I not fotched dem in. De fuss I seed dem, dey in de corner ob de tent all scrouched up, so I spose dey hidin' from de Sesh, and I jes' took 'em in to sabe dem. Yes, sah; dat's de way it war. "Ham retired behind a tent, and laughed immoderately, saying 'I spect he not keer bery much; I feels my way pretty good, I does.

"She and the young gemman you fotched heah were seen in the gyarden along about sundown. I seen them myself." "They had had supper?" "Yes, Sah." "Who sleeps here?" "Just little Steve and three of the women, they sleeps at the back of the house, Sah. "No sounds were heard during the night?" "No, Sah." "I'll see the overseer what's his name? Hicks?

So I kept shady on love an' put it on the groun's of coffee, an', Levin, I everlastin'ly fotched the wild flowers till that gal got to be a-lookin' fur me at the do' every day, an' I'd hide an' see her come to the window an' peep fur me. One day she says, as I was drinkin' of the coffee: 'Mr.

"I knowed he hed hit in head ter go but I didn't know he'd started yit." For more than an hour their talk went on in friendly channels of reminiscence and commonplace, then the man lifted the basket he had brought. "I fotched some 'simmons offen thet tree by my house. Ye used ter love 'em right good, Dorothy."

He fotched de poor darkies out ob workin' all de time for nuffin for dem Sesh, and he know what he doin'. He goin' to let dem Sesh 'spect dat dey whip dem Yanks affer while, but he not let dem do it. He jes' coaxin' dem on till he git good men hold of de army, den dey all git smash up. Jes' like Genl Tom, de Laud save him for dat. Don't you see dat?

"Yes-m," pondered Jed, "but I 'spect there might be mo' dan one young lady. I reckon it would be disastering if I fotched the wrong one. Isn't thar something 'bout her discounterments as might be leading, as yo' might say, ma'am?" "Jed, I rely upon you to bring the right young lady!" There was no use of further arguing. Jed shuffled off.

"Not ez much alike ez two black-eyed peas, now. I reckon not, I reckon not," he sneered, as he rose to bring his visit to an end. His host's words of incipient surprise were checked as Hanway slowly drew forth from his pocket a letter. "Old man Binney war at the Cross-Roads Sad'day, an' he fotched up some mail fur the neighbors.

I seed thur wur drift-wood a plenty on the bank, so I fotched it up, an' built a pen-trap roun' about the calf. In the twinklin' o' a goat's eye I had six varmints in the trap." "Hooraw! Ye war safe then, old hoss." "I tuk a lot o' stones, an' then clomb up on the pen, an' killed the hul kit on 'em. Lord, boyees!

My son Caleb Dorothy's daddy went out with a lantern one night when ther dogs barked ... and we fotched him in dead." He paused, and seemed to be looking through the walls and hills to things that lay buried. "Them few men thet cried out fer peace an' law-abidin' war scoffed at an' belittled.... Them of us that preached erginst bloodshed was cussed an' damned.