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For this be Christmas, friends, and Christmas be a day for forgivin' and forgittin. And now, then," continued the old man, as he flourished his knife and grasped the huge fork preparatory to plunging it into the venison haunch in front of him, "with good appetites and a cheerful mind let us all fall to eatin'." Thus went the feasting.

"I I reckon I am," said Pete, grinning boyishly. "Ashamed of yourself?" "Nope! A spoiled kid, like you said. And I ain't forgittin' who spoiled me." The letter, the man downstairs and all that his presence implied, past and future possibilities, were forgotten in the brief glance that Doris gave him as she turned in the doorway. And glory-be, she had taken the letter with her!

But I don't know as your flourishin' in worldly affairs is any sign of God's favor," and I mentioned the scripter concernin' who it wuz that flourished like the green bayberry tree. So bein' driv out of that argument, he sez, forgittin' his own eleven proofs aginst his story bein' true: "Polygamy is done away with anyway; the United States have abolished it in Utah."

"I dun lub dem Rober boys, aint no ust ter talk," Pop would say. "Dem is de most up-to-date boys in de world, dat's wot, and da did dis yeah niggah a good turn wot he aint forgittin' in a hurry, too." What that good turn was has already been related in full in "The Rover Boys in the Jungle."

Christie enjoyed the joke, and even the tea-kettle boiled over as if carried away by the fun. "Tell some more, please," said Christie, when the merriment subsided, for she felt her spirits rising. "There's nothin' more to tell, except one thing that prevented my ever forgittin' the lesson I got then. My little Almiry took cold that week and pined away rapid.

Then he went into pork and first we knew Sam wuz a very rich man, lived in great style, kep' his carriage, but wuz awful mean, so we heard, hadn't no morals at all to speak on so fur as wimmen wuz concerned, and we had hearn that Jane Olive not bein' over and above happy in marriage, and forgittin' to all appearance she had ever dickered with mistress and maid, wuz tryin' her best to work her way in among the aristockracy, she wuz dretful ambitious and so wuz Sam, they wanted to go with the first.

"The boy don't forgit." And then he added, "No, he isn't one of the forgittin' kind. Wild Bill," said the Trapper, as he turned toward that personage, whose attack on the venison haunch was as determined as ever, "Wild Bill, this box be from Henry!" "I shouldn't wonder," answered that individual, speaking from a mass of edibles that filled his mouth.

"She's what Ovid come down with.... Can't blame a young feller for forgittin' work a day or two when he's got him sich a wife.... Deacon, this here girl's performed a service for Coldriver. Increased our population by two her and Ovid. And, Deacon, Ovid hain't the fust man that ever was made so's he was wuth countin' in the census by marryin' him a wife...."

"Got salt and pepper and butter and sugar; but I reckon you forgot somethin' that I'm wantin' a whole lot." "What is it?" "You're forgittin' to smile." "I read that letter from Mr. Bailey." "I'm mighty glad you did, Miss Gray. I wanted you to know what was in that letter. You'd sure like Ma Bailey, and Jim and Andy. Andy was my pardner when afore I had that trouble with Steve Gary.

But he wuz a-sleepin' now peaceful, forgittin' his enthusiasm, while I, who took it calm at the time, kep awake to muse on the glory of the spectacle. After we left the Horticultural Buildin' I proposed that we should branch out for once and git a fashionable dinner. "Dinner!" sez Josiah. "Are you crazy, or what does ail you? Talk about gittin' dinner at this time of day most bedtime!"