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But we were soon convinced by most horrid and undeniable proof." Some were full of roasted flesh, and some of fern-root, which serves them for bread. On, farther search, we found more shoes, and a hand, which we immediately knew to have belonged to Thomas Hill, one of our fore-castle men, it being marked T.H. with an Otaheite tattow-instrument.

The man with one eye steered; old M'Donald, and Col and his servant, lay upon the fore-castle, looking sharp out for the harbour. It was necessary to carry much 'cloth', as they termed it, that is to say, much sail, in order to keep the vessel off the shore of Col. This made violent plunging in a rough sea.

The Exchange also being farther from the fire, afterward was more easily cleared, and fell off from abaft And as soone as God had put vs out of danger, the fire got into the fore-castle, where, I think, was store of Beniamin, and such other like combustible matter, for it flamed and ran ouer all the Carack at an instant in a maner. The Portugals lept ouer-boord in great numbers.

Dundas and he, finding it impossible to remain any longer below, went out at the fore-mast lower deck port, and got upon the fore-castle; on which he apprehends there were then about one hundred and fifty of the people drawing water, and throwing it as far aft as possible upon the fire.

While we were thus ingag'd a storm arose; now thick clouds, and th' inrag'd flood eclypst the day, the seamen fly to their posts as fast as fear cou'd make 'em; and, pulling down the sails, leave the vessel to the mercy of the tempest; for the uncertain winds made them hopeless of any direct course; nor did the pilot know which way to steer; sometimes the unguided ship was forc'd on the coast of Sicily, often by contrary winds 'twas tost near Italy; and what was more dangerous than all, on a sudden the gathering clouds spread such horrid darkness all around, that the pilot cou'd not see over the fore-castle; upon which all despair'd of safety; when Lycas threw himself before me, and lifting up his trembling hands, "I beseech you Encolpius," began he, "assist the distress'd, that is restore the sacred vest and timbrel you took from the image of the goddess Isis; be merciful as you are wont. At what time a whirlwind snatcht him up, and threw him howling midst the flood, and soon a spiteful wave just shew'd him us, and drew him back again.

She looked white-like as she beheld the bursting of the sprays, the green seas that sometimes poured upon the fore-castle, and the perpetual bounding and swooping of the boat among the billows; but she stood firmly by her father's orders. "My father, James More, will have arranged it so," was her first word and her last.

The launch was manned by the old Tritons of the fore-castle, who were no ways particular about their dress, while the other boats commissioned for genteeler duties were rowed by young follows, mostly, who had a dandy eye to their personal appearance.

Thus far Mr Burney's report; and to complete the account of this tragical transaction, it may not be unnecessary to mention, that the people in the cutter were Mr Rowe, Mr Woodhouse, Francis Murphy, quarter-master; William Facey, Thomas Hill, Michael Bell, and Edward Jones, fore-castle men; John Cavanaugh, and Thomas Milton, belonging to the after-guard; and James Sevilley, the captain's man, being ten in all.

There was an immediate sense of relief in getting aboard of her, and away from the blood-stained steamer where the dead men had been; but I saw at a glance that what I was after was not there. She had carried four boats on her rail, as I could tell by the davits, and likely enough a long-boat on her fore-castle as well.

The victory of the younger boy gave him great prestige among the sailors, and Mike Doherty, the bully of the fore-castle, gave him boxing lessons during all the rest of the voyage, teaching him the mystery of the "side swing" and the "left-hand upper-cut," which Mike said was "as good as a belaying-pin."