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Wiegand, Abhandlungen der Berliner Akademie, 1911, Anhang; Archäol. Anzeiger, 1911, 420 foll. Alexandria. A yet more famous town, founded by Alexander himself, is definitely recorded by ancient writers to have been laid out in the same quasi-chess-board fashion, with one long highway, the Canopic Street, running through it from end to end for something like four miles.

Epist. ii. 1. 145 foll. These amusements were always accompanied with the music and dancing so dear to the Italian peoples, and it is easy to divine how they may have gradually developed into plays of a rude but tolerably fixed type, with improvised dialogue, acted in the streets, or later in the intervals between acts at the theatre, and eventually as afterpieces, more after our own fashion.

Few towns in Italy developed as Rome herself developed, expanding from small beginnings in a slow continuous growth which was governed by convenience and opportunism and untouched by any new birth or systematic reconstruction. See Mommsen, Gesamm. Schriften v. 203; Nissen, Ital. Landeskunde ii. 27; Kornemann in Pauly-Wissowa, Encycl. iv. 520 foll.

Foll and Warynski have reported their success in obtaining visceral inversion, and even this branch of the subject promises to become scientific. Terata are seen in the lower animals and always excite interest. Pare gives the history of a sheep with three heads, born in 1577; the central head was larger than the other two, as shown in the accompanying illustration.

The pyre served the purpose of a burial-ground or grave, and hence our author writes of it as such. Under Maha-nana, Buddhaghosha wrote his commentaries. Both were great builders of viharas. See the Mahavansa, pp. 247, foll. See chapter xii. Fa-Hsien had seen it at Purushapura, which Eitel says was "the ancient capital of Gandhara." See chap. xii, note 9.

The critics who refer Matt. x. 16 to the document in question, also agree in referring to it Matt. vii. 22, x. 8, xi. 5, xii. 24 foll., &c., which speak distinctly of miracles, and precisely in that indirect manner which is the best kind of evidence.

"He's axtra fond o' the feeshin'," was the reply, "for a' that he's a foreign shentleman." The landlord was sorry, but the house was full. "If ye wanted them in a fortnicht's time," he said, "ye could hae the hale hotel; but tae the end o' the holidays we're foll up.

Here is proof that, once at least, the supremacy of the dominant conventional art of the Empire could be rudely broken down. Hist. Somerset, i. 229 foll., and references given there. It is a sculpture in the round showing nearly a life-sized lion standing above his prey. The scene is common in provincial Roman work, and not least in Gaul and Britain.

Whether the smaller thoroughfares took the same lines can be determined only by excavation. It would be a gentle guess to think so. Tafrali, Topographie de Thess. pp. 121 foll. and plan. E. Sachau, Reise in Syrien , p. 76; Mommsen, Ephemeris epigr. iv, p. 514, and Mon. Ancyr. Further south, on the edge of the Haurân, stood the town of Gerasa.

In these two distinctive features of a future reaction against a Socialism that would turn everything into one vast army, we recognise those two demands of theoretical Anarchism which are capable of realisation, and capable of it because they are not dogmas, like absolute freedom, but only methods. Mysticismus, Pietismus, Anti-Semitismus, am Ende des XIXten Jahrhunderts, p. 5, foll. Wien, 1894.