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Then he tossed his chin defiantly in air like an unbroken colt disposed to try odds with a master. "Don't be afraid to land," he called down out of sheer impudence. "Don't be afraid to have us land," Radisson shouted up to him. "We'll not harm you!" Ben swore a big oath, fleered a laugh, and kicked the sand with his heels. Raising a hand, he signalled the watchers on the ship.

The hobby-horse curveted and capered; the Fool fleered at the girls, and flouted the men, jesting with every one, and when failing in a point rapping the knuckles of his auditors; Friar Tuck chucked the pretty girls under the chin, in defiance of their sweethearts, and stole a kiss from every buxom dame that stood in his way, and then snapped his fingers, or made a broad grimace at the husband; the piper played, and the taborer rattled his tambourine; the morris-dancers tossed their kerchiefs aloft; and the bells of the rush-cart jingled merrily; the men on the top being on a level with the roofs of the cottages, and the summits of the haystacks they passed, but in spite of their exalted position jesting with the crowd below.

We may be some vociferous, out here twixt the Mississippi and the Rockies, but we ain't no infant-in-the-cradle, Mister. We had civilization here when the Pilgrim Fathers' rock wasn't nothing but a pebble to let fly at the birds!" "Indeed!" fleered Sherwood Branciforte, in a voice which gave much intangible insult to one's intelligence.

He left off wondering about the roan, and faced the fact that he had been thrown, fair and square, and that before an audience of twenty-five pairs of eyes which had seen rough riding before, and which had expected of him something better than they were accustomed to seeing. "I reckon Billy Roberts will have to work on that cayuse a while," fleered a Diamond G man, coming over to them.

The wind rushed upon her wildly, and dragged her tattered skirt this way and that, and fleered at her, and whistled at her; and when she paid not the slightest attention to his cruel treatment of her, fled tumultuously down the street.

This is just for you boys and the profit for us is trimmed right down to a whisper." He named the sum total with the air of one who confers a great favor. Irish grinned and reached into his pocket. "You musta knocked your profit down to fifty percent.," he fleered. "But it's a go with me." He peeled off the whole roll, just about. He had two twenties left in his hand when he stopped.

"I could see he was making across country for the trail to Chinook, but I wanted to overhaul him and have a little casual talk about Dan. I don't suppose yuh noticed I took his rope along; I wanted some excuse for hazing after him like that, yuh see." "Uh course, such accommodating cusses as you wouldn't be none strange to him," fleered Cal.

I did nothing of the sort. I was extremely dignified. But I told her of a dream I had last night oh, such a lovely dream and she was melted. What do you suppose I dreamed of? I dreamed of plump, juicy English sausages." His face grew wistful, his voice sank. He piled his plate with ham and omelette. "You 'd better write a song about it," fleered Anthony.

"Who's going to pilot the schoolma'am?" blurted Happy Jack, who was never consciously ambiguous. "You can search me," said Weary, in a you-make-me-tired tone. "She sure isn't going with Yours Truly." "Ain't she asked yuh yet?" fleered Cal. "That's funny. She told me the other day she was going to take advantage of woman's privilege, this year, and choose her own escort for the dance.

She drew away from her unwonted demonstration, leaving her hands on Cally's shoulders, and the two women looked at each other, both a little flushed with excitement. "He's at the Arlington, to stay only till to-morrow," said she, "and he's coming in after dinner to see you and papa." "Oh!... He insists on not seeing you, I suppose?" fleered mamma, with enormous archness.