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'I never have lived in quite such a big house, she said, as, after having seen the nursery, she followed Lady Isobel downstairs again, and they went in and out of all the rooms. Bobby was still exclaiming as he went about. 'Look, True, those were the pictures which used to frown on me in the dining-room when I went in. Me and Nobbles finked we heard them say, "Run away; you've no business here."

He grinned, made a dart in the opposite direction, and was soon lost to view. The children walked home soberly, but their astonishment was great when they were going up the flight of steps that led indoors to turn and find Curly standing behind them. 'You are a funny boy, said Bobby; 'I finked you had gone home. 'I wish he had, muttered Margot; 'there's no trusting these sort.

"It is a family failing, this getting out of bed at wrong times. Demi used to do it; and as for me, I was hopping in and out all night long. Meg used to think the house was on fire, and send me down to see, and I used to stay and enjoy myself, as you mean to, my bad son." "I've finked now," observed Rob, quite at his ease, and eager to win the entree into this delightful circle.

Bond Saxon is not a man to hate anybody when he is sober." "Is you Don Fonnybone?" Bug Buler's little piping voice from the doorstep haled the Dean. "I finked Vic would turn, and he don't turn, and I 's hungry for somebody. May I go wis you, Don Fonnybone?" The baby lips quivered. Lloyd Fenneben held out his hand and Bug put his little fist into it. "Where shall we go, Bug?

At last, meeting the steadfast gaze of two bright brown eyes, he said: 'Well, what do you think of your father, Bobby? 'You aren't the same as I finked about, responded the child readily. 'Tell me how I am different. 'I finked you would be a big man with a black beard, who would take me to live in a cave in the mountains, or fight with the Red Ingines.

I'll wemember and fink, and tell you what I have finked." Turning to Nurse Beaton, the Major whispered: "Don't worry him about this dream at all. Leave it to me. It's wonderful. Take him on your lap, Nurse, and er be ready. It's a very life-like picture, and I'm going to spring it on him without any remark but I'm more than a little anxious, I admit.

'Yes, said Bobby; 'me and Nobbles finked quite wrong about him; only he's nicer and better and gooder than anybody else. And we sometimes finks' he dropped his voice and spoke in a hushed whisper 'that he is nearly as kind as my Father God. No one spoke for a moment. Lady Isobel bent down and kissed the curly head.

"It will be all right, dear," she said, "and and you are the first of us to begin to do something useful; it was splendid of you to think of it. I wish I knew what I could do," she added wistfully, her cheek resting on Poppy's curls. "I'll try and fink of something for you," said Poppy gravely. "P'r'aps by the morning I'll have finked of something very nice then won't you be glad?"

He spoke to him with a twinkle in his eye. 'Will you promise me not to put marbles in my boots to-morrow morning? Bobby started; then he chuckled. 'You finked it was Nobbles. I needn't hide from peoples now. Me and Nobbles can walk over the house, where we likes. Aunt Is'bel says so.