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The paper had an inscription written in four lines, which were remarkable for the profusion of notes of admiration and interrogation with which they were interspersed: "Gallia??? Ab sole, au 15 fev. 59,000,000 l.! Chemin parcouru de janv. a fev. 82,000,000 l.!! Va bene! All right!! Parfait!!!" There was a general sigh of disappointment.

Louis. La Barre sailed for home; and the Marquis de Denonville, a pious colonel of dragoons, assumed the vacant office. Sir John Werden to Dongan, 4 Dec., 1684; N. Y. Col. Docs., III. 353. Werden was the duke's secretary. Dongan has been charged with instigating the Iroquois to attack the French. Lamberville a La Barre, 10 Fev., 1684.

Instead of being enclosed in a telescope-case, it was this time secured in a preserved-meat tin, hermetically sealed, and stamped with the same initials on the wax that fastened it. The greatest care was used in opening it, and it was found to contain the following message: "Gallia Ab sole, au 1 mars, dist. 78,000,000 l.! Chemin parcouru de fev. a mars: 59,000,000 1.! Va bene! All right!

"Les malheurs des Accadiens sont beaucoup moins leur ouvrage que le fruit des sollicitations et des démarches des missionnaires." Vaudreuil au Ministre, 6 Mai, 1760. "Si nous avons la guerre, et si les Accadiens sont misérables, souvenez vous que ce sont les prêtres qui en sont la cause." Boishébert á Manach, 21 Fév. 1760.

There is anoser place in Bon'venture, ver' nice place yes, ha! On de side of de hill. You have small-pox, scarlet fev', difthere; you get smash your head, you get break your leg, you fall down, you go to die. Ha, who is there in all de worl' like M'sieu' Vallier, the Cure?

He was a nephew of Lord L . I goes there sometimes and rips a board out o' the floor when I wants one. ^ 'Mr Wellington gone away? My friend was surprised this time. 'Why, you must be a new chum in New Britain. Why, Willington ain't dead six months. 'Fev 'Fever be . No, he got speared when he was lying in his bunk readin' a book one night.

There is anoser place in Bon'venture, ver' nice place yes, ha! On de side of de hill. You have small-pox, scarlet fev', difthere; you get smash your head, you get break your leg, you fall down, you go to die. Ha, who is there in all de worl' like M'sieu' Vallier, the Cure?

[Footnote 374: On the troupes de la marine, Mémoire pour servir d'Instruction a MM. Jonquière et Bigot, 30 Avril, 1749. Ordres du Roy et Dépêches des Ministres, 1750. Ibid., 1755. Ibid., 1757. Instruction pour Vaudreuil, 22 Mars, 1755. Ordonnance pour l'Augmentation de Soldats dans les Compagnies de Canada, 14 Mars, 1755. Duquesne au Ministre, 26 Oct. 1753. Ibid., 30 Oct. 1753. Ibid., 29 Fév. 1754. Duquesne

Vaudreuil au Ministre, 12 Fév. 1758. Ibid., 28 Nov. 1758. Bougainville, Journal. Summary of M. de Belêtre's Campaign, in N.Y. Col. Docs., X. 672. Extravagant reports of the havoc made were sent to France. These official falsehoods are contradicted in a letter from Quebec, Daine au Maréchal de Belleisle, 19 Mai, 1758.

Here is the letter preserved by him along with all that he ever received from the same hand: "Rue St. Dominique, St. Germain, "Paris, 10 Fev. "So behold you of return, my friend! you quit for ever the sword and those arid plains where you have passed so many years of your life, separated from those to whom, at the commencement, you held very nearly.