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Semicircular canals. 4. Fenestra ovalis. 5. Fenestra rotunda. *The Vestibule* forms the central portion of the internal ear and is somewhat oval in shape. It is in communication with the middle ear through a small opening in the bone, called the fenestra ovalis, at which place it is separated from the middle ear only by a thin membrane.

It is thickly covered with long, fine, silvery-white needles that glisten in the sun. Its stem is hollow and filled with a white pith like the elder. After the prickly bark is stripped off the punk can be picked out through the fenestra with a penknife, which occupation affords pleasant pastime for a leisure hour. When thus furbished up the unsightly club becomes an elegant walking stick.

The act of restoring a limb, etc., to its natural position after it has been flexed or bent; the opposite of flexion. Fauces. The part of the mouth which opens into the pharynx. Literally, "a window." Fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda, the oval and the round window; two apertures in the bone between the tympanic cavity and the labyrinth of the ear. Ferment.

The Crusade, The Grave of King Arthur, and most of the odes composed for the court, are in a higher strain. In the Ode written at Vale Royal Abbey, is a striking image, borrowed from some lent verses, written by Archbishop Markham, and printed in the second volume of that collection. Prodidit areanas arcta fenestra faces.