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By sex here he obviously means the instincts and somatic characters, for sex in the first instance, as we have already pointed out, means the difference between ovary and testis, between ova and spermatozoa. It is difficult to accept all Steinach's results without confirmation, especially those which show that the feminised male is more female than the normal female.

He claims by transplantation of the gonads in young rats and guinea-pigs to have feminised males and masculised females. The females are smaller, and hare finer, softer hair than the males. The testes were removed and ovaries implanted in young males. The animals so treated grew less than the merely castrated specimens, and therefore when full-grown resembled females in size.

The real thing has been done already, and thank God it is nearly always done by women. Every man is womanised, merely by being born. They talk of the masculine woman; but every man is a feminised man. And if ever men walk to Westminster to protest against this female privilege, I shall not join their procession.

The real thing has been done already, and thank God it is nearly always done by women. Every man is womanised, merely by being born. They talk of the masculine woman; but every man is a feminised man. And if ever men walk to Westminster to protest against this female privilege, I shall not join their procession.

Goodness in a masculine personality had always appeared to Kemper to be ridiculously out of place a masquerading feminised virtue but at this instant as he drank to Adams' health across the carnations, he felt again the power of an attraction which possessed a sweetness that made his past "wine and honey" sicken in his memory.

It was no disagreeable or ridiculous parody of Corot; it was Corot feminised, Corot reflected in a woman's soul, a woman's love of man's genius, a lake-reflected moon. But Corot's influence did not endure. Through her sister's marriage Madame Morisot came in contact with Manet, and she was quick to recognise him as being the greatest artist that France had produced since Delacroix.

In the young state both sexes have fine, soft hair, the feminised males had the same character, like the normal females. They also developed teats and milk glands like the females, and were sought and treated as females by the normal males.

I fancy that it was only at the last moment that Nature found it a thought too boyish and modified it with a dimple a very creditable dimple, by the way, that she must have been really proud of. That ridiculous little dint saved it, feminised it.