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Our friend Fundanus' Baian seat, My Bassus, is no pleasance neat, Where myrtles trim in idle lines, Clipped box, and planes unwed to vines Rob of right use the acres wide: 'Tis farm-life true and countrified.

You're a bonehead. A plug. That's why. Skiddoo for you. Skiddoo for all of us." At the table, while they ate, Tom talked of the joys of farm-life he had known as a boy and as a young man, and confided that it was his dream to go and take up government land somewhere as his people had done before him. Unfortunately, as he explained, Sarah was set, so that the dream must remain a dream.

Finally, these evening romps got to be a regular part of the farm-life, as much enjoyed by the master, as by the cub. When May came, and it was warmer, so that the doors leading to the wood-shed and the porch were left open, the little bear's world grew apace. Before, his horizon had been the four walls of the kitchen; now he could go and come as he pleased, about the yard and in the outbuildings.

Janet the ever-kind and thoughtful Janet would see to that. The more he saw of the farm-life the more he admired Janet. She was a little slow. She was not clever; and she had plenty of small prejudices which amused him. But she was the salt of the earth. Trust her lean upon her she would never let you down. And now he was going to trust his beloved to her for a while.

His vivid descriptions of Western farm-life are not the results of reading and casual observation, supplemented by a vivid imagination; they are the products of actual experiences. In a personal interview with Mr. Garland, Frank G. Carpenter gives us the following interesting particulars: "The conversation here turned to Mr.

While I had been too young to feel the burden of farm-life toil, I had not been spared a realization of the narrowness and the dwarfing tendencies of the lives which the Negro farmers and their families were living, and, in my heart, I cursed the farm and all its environs as being in verity an inferno on earth.

And when she went, she found that the farmer's wife had prepared something extra for supper in expectation of her coming, fried chicken, and honey, and other home luxuries, and seemed glad of the little break in the monotony of farm-life which the school-ma'am's visit afforded.

He chattered continually during the meal, and did a great deal to take off the sense of shyness that Ruth felt in the company of Julia and Ernest, and her aunt asked questions about the farm-life at Cressleigh, and talked of their plans for the next few weeks. "Oh! you will have a great deal to see," said Julia, "as this is your first visit to the sea-side.

The fact is, that the details of farm-life the muddy boots, the sweaty workers, the amber-colored pools, the wallowing pigs are not of a kind to warrant or to call out any burning imprint of verse. "Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy," and for these the poet must soar above the barn-yard and the house-tops.

I am a boy again, once more conscious of the feeling, half terror, half exultation, with which I used to announce the approach of this very vagabond and his "kindred after the flesh." The advent of wandering beggars, or "old stragglers," as we were wont to call them, was an event of no ordinary interest in the generally monotonous quietude of our farm-life.