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Without waiting for a permission which she was very unlikely to give, I pushed my horse forward, and took my place beside her, signing to Fanchette to fall back. The maid obeyed, speechless with indignation; while mademoiselle flashed a scathing glance at me and looked round in helpless anger, as though it was in her mind to appeal against me even to the passers-by.

Everything would have gone off splendidly if that little diablesse Titi had not revived her feud with Fanchette. You are not surprised to hear that Aspasia's goods were seized this morning. The duke must have had more than enough of it by this time, and has, of course, discovered that he has been the laughing-stock of his friends for a long time past.

Fanchette, a big Berrichon countrywoman, who was considered a better cook than even La Cognette, ran in to receive the order with a celerity which said much for the doctor's despotism, and something also for her own curiosity. "What is an acre of vineyard worth in your parts?" asked the doctor, pouring out a glass of wine for Brazier. "Three hundred francs in silver."

Vautrin came in in high spirits, and at once read the hearts of these two young creatures whom he had brought together by the combinations of his infernal genius, but his deep voice broke in upon their bliss. "A charming girl is my Fanchette In her simplicity," he sang mockingly. Victorine fled. Her heart was more full than it had ever been, but it was full of joy, and not of sorrow. Poor child!

Fanchette owned three hundred francs a year in the Funds, for the doctor made her invest her savings in that way, and he had left her as much more in an annuity; she could therefore live at her ease without the necessity of working, and she quitted the house nine months after the funeral of her old master, April 15, 1806.

The doctor had also found a way to prevent the tartness of browned butter; but his secret, which unluckily he kept to his own kitchen, has been lost. Flore, a born fryer and roaster, two qualities that can never be acquired by observation nor yet by labor, soon surpassed Fanchette.

Fanchette is not exactly a strong-minded person, and not likely to be much of a support when a support was most required. If I was going to play the fool, I would be my own audience. So I sent her off. 'Did you not hear me tell you that I will undress myself? you are to go to bed. She went to bed, with quite sufficient willingness.

"I dare say it will look very well," said Lady Tranmore. "And Fanchette is to make it?" "If her ladyship is not too late," said the maid, smiling. "But she has taken such a long time to make up her mind " "And Fanchette, of course, is driven to death. All the world seems to have gone mad about this ball." Lady Tranmore shrugged her shoulders in a slight disgust. She was not going.

But she left her question behind her, and when the dawn came Ashe found that he had spent half the night in trying anew to frame some sort of an answer to it. "The world an ancient murderer is." "Her ladyship will be in before six, my lady. I was to be sure and ask you to wait, if you came before, and to tell you that her ladyship had gone to Madame Fanchette about her dress for the ball."

Because Fanchette wouldn't a'stepped into the ring with Jimmy Montague, or Jigger Holliday; no, nor even old Kid Fall. I know, believe me I know, because I tried him with all of 'em. Not for the purse that was offered. He wasn't looking to commit suicide at bargain prices. "But you? He'd take a chance on you. Sure he would. Who the hell was Perry Blair, anyway?