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"I heard the other day," continued Shih Hsiang-yuen, a sardonic smile on her lip, "that while the fan-case, I had worked, was being held and compared with that of some one else, it too was slashed away in a fit of high dudgeon. This reached my ears long ago, and do you still try to dupe me by asking me again now to make something more for you? Have I really become a slave to you people?

Above, the door of the apartment yielded easily, and the two companions began to work in the gloom of the shuttered windows. Chamorra forced the locks of two chiffoniers and a closet. There was silver coin, copper coin, several bank-notes rolled up at the bottom of a fan-case, the wedding-jewelry, a clock. Not a bad haul.

As the inward current of air rushes in at the circular openings on each side of the Fan-case, and would thus oppose each other if there was a free communication between them, this is effectually obviated by forming the rotating portion of the fan by a disc of iron plate, which prevents the opposite in-rushing currents from interfering with each other, and at the same time supplies a most substantial means of fastening the blades, as they are conveniently riveted to this central disc.

In order to obtain the maximum force of blast, with the minimum expenditure of power, it is requisite so to form the outside rim of the Fan-case as that each compartment formed by the space between the ends of the blades of the Fan shall in its course of rotation possess an equal facility of exit for the passage of the air it is discharging.

The writer ventured to purchase it, but he hastens to announce to his friends that his purposes are good and innocent. Though in the same category as the sword or dagger hidden in a walking-stick or a concealed weapon, this bloodthirsty knife will repose harmlessly in its fan-case like a sleeping babe in his cradle. A Chinese boarding house next claimed our inspection.

Passing on, we next visited a hardware shop, where you could purchase various kinds of Chinese cutlery. Among other things that attracted my attention was a simple-looking Chinese fan, apparently folded up. On examining it I found that inside of the fan-case was a sharp knife or blade like a wide dagger.

Saying this, one by one advanced and proceeded to unloosen the purse, and to unclasp the fan-case; and allowing Pao-yue no time to make any remonstrance, they stripped him of every ornament in the way of appendage which he carried about on his person.

"I deceived him by telling him that there had been of late some capital hands at needlework outside, who could execute any embroidery with surpassing beauty, and that I had asked them to bring a fan-case so as to try them and to see whether they could actually work well or not. He at once believed what I said.

In Chinatown A Musician's Shop A Secret Society Gambling Houses "The Heathen Chinee" Fortune-telling The Knife in the Fan-Case A Boarding House A Lesson for Landlords A Kitchen A Goldsmith's Shop The Restaurant Origin of the Tea-Plant What a Chinaman Eats The Tobacco or Opium Pipe A Safe with Eight Locks The Theatre Women by Themselves The Play The Stage The Actors The Orchestra and the Music The Audience A Death on the Stage The Theatre a Gathering Place No Women Actors A Wise Provision Temptations Real Acting Men the Same Everywhere.