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Kittredge and all the mansionhouse people and distinguished strangers, Colonel Sprowle and family, including Matilda's young gentleman, a graduate of one of the fresh-water colleges, Mrs. A little nearer the door, Abel, the Doctor's man, and Elbridge, who drove them to church in the family-coach. Father Fairweather, as they all call him now, came in late with Father McShane." "And Silas Peckham?"

The law of averages is a stringent one, and it may be assumed with reasonable certainty, that when one ancient and respectable family-coach runs down hill, another vehicle, probably of more modern equipment, will go up. In the case under consideration, the operations of this principle were less obscure than is sometimes the way with them.

Kittredge and all the mansionhouse people and distinguished strangers, Colonel Sprowle and family, including Matilda's young gentleman, a graduate of one of the fresh-water colleges, Mrs. A little nearer the door, Abel, the Doctor's man, and Elbridge, who drove them to church in the family-coach. Father Fairweather, as they all call him now, came in late with Father McShane." "And Silas Peckham?"

The upshot was, that the steed speedily took the matter into his own hands, and having gambolled hither and thither to the great amusement of all spectators, set off at full speed towards the huge family-coach already described.

Wouldst thou rather be a peasant's son that knew, were it never so rudely, there was a God in Heaven and in Man; or a duke's son that only knew there were two-and-thirty quarters on the family-coach?" To which last question we must answer: Beware, O Teufelsdrockh, of spiritual pride!

Imagining at once that the General's family-pair must be running away with his family-coach, I eagerly urged my driver to push on; but the cold-hearted wretch only laughed and said he "guessed there was nothing particular the matter." "What the Devil is that?" said I. "That's the Gineral and his coachman a-having a training," answered my driver. As he spoke, the officer shouted, "Halt!"

I remember when I thought I could lift a house, if I would only try hard enough. So I began with the hind wheel of a heavy old family-coach, built like that in which my Lady Bountiful carried little King Pippin, if you happen to remember the illustrations of that story. I lifted with all my might, and the planet pulled down with all its might. The planet beat.

Dutton, and Mildred left the house, in the old family-coach. The rear-admiral had pertinaciously determined to adhere to his practice of sleeping in his ship; and the manner in which he had offered seats to his two fair companions for Mrs. Dutton still deserved to be thus termed has already been seen.

"Keep everything," said Dudley Veneer. "I don't want to see anything belonging to that young man." So Abel nodded to Mr. Veneer, and left the study to find some of the men about the stable to tell and talk over with them the events of the last evening. He presently came upon Elbridge, chief of the equine department, and driver of the family-coach. "Good mornin', Abe," said Elbridge.

The Englishman comes to America as weary of his old, easy, family-coach life as you can be of yours: he wants to see something new under the sun, something American; and forthwith we all bestir ourselves to give him something as near as we can fancy exactly like what he is already tired of.