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"If any passenger come by and, wondering to see such a conjuring circle kept by hel-houndes, demaund what spirits they raise there, one of the murderers steps to him, poysons him with sweete wordes and shifts him off with this lye, that one of the women is falne in labor: but if any mad Hamlet, hearing this, smell villanie and rush in by violence to see what the tawny divels are dooing, then they excuse the fact, lay the blame on those that are the actors, and perhaps, if they see no remedie, deliver them to an officer to be lead to punishment."

My backe and my sides I had hurt with my fall, but now my head sweld & akt worse than both. It was then the lawe in Rome, that if anie man had a fellon falne into his hands, eyther by breaking into his house, or robbing him by the high way, hee might choose whether he would make him his bondman, or hang him.

Why, I might be your Father by my age, which is falne on me in my old Mrs service; he would have used me better. Y. M. Dost weepe, old Crocodile? looke dost see this sword. Alex. Oh, I beseech you, sir; goe to; what meane you?

In the words of Ambrose Paré, the great surgeon of five French kings in the sixteenth century, is a full account of the preparation and administration of "mummie," that is, Egyptian mummies, powdered and made into pills and potions, "to such as have falne from high places or have beene otherwise bruised."

With this Edmund, surnamed Ironside, fell the glorious maiestie of the English kingdome, the which afterward as it had beene an aged bodie being sore decaied and weakened by the Danes, that now got possession of the whole, yet somewhat recouered after the space of 26 yéers vnder king Edward, surnamed the Confessor: and shortlie therevpon as it had béene falne into a resiluation, came to extreame ruine by the inuasion and conquest of the Normans: as after by Gods good helpe and fauorable assistance it shall appeare.

George Sandys, who visited Vesuvius in 1611, after it had reposed for several centuries, found the throat of the volcano at the bottom of the crater "almost choked with broken rocks and trees that are falne therein."

What vapor which the flattring sunn Exhales to heaven as to create a starr, Yet throwst, a fading meteor, to the earth, Has falne like me? Divinity, that tells Us there are soules in women, Ile no more Credit thy dubious Theorems nor thinke Thy lawes astring us to preserve our faith. Enter Lovell. Lov.

Madam, I fear my friend Hath falne againe in love; he practises To himself new speeches; you and he are not Broke off, I hope. Lady. O, sir, I value my servant at a higher rate: We two must not easily disagree. Sir Alexander, attend in Mr. Bonvill. My daughter's up by this time, and I would have him give her the first salute.

And we will doe it. 1 Cap. And while there is Lead Upon a house, or any Soldier master But of a doyt: when that is gon, expect That we will make you sport, or leave our lives To witness we were faithfull. Mod. This I foresaw. Bar. Oh, I am lost with anger! are we falne So lowe from what we were, that we dare heare This from our Servants and not punish it?

Bee it knowen vnto you, I haue a young man at home falne to me for my bondman, of the age of eighteene, of stature tall, streight limm'd, of as cleere a complection as anie painters fancie can imagine: goe too, you are an honest man, and one of the scattered Children of Abraham you shall haue him for fiue hundred crownes.