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Greg Holmes leaped up. It was the morning of his fight! In the tent it was still dark. It was at the fag-end of the night; the time which, as military commanders know, most tries men's bravery. The latter part of the night had been cool. Now, in the brief space before dawn the air was positively chilly. Greg shivered. Perhaps it was the chill of the air.

Then an awakening to daylight, and all the memories of yestereven crowding in upon her among them an address and a name in the pocket of the gown by the bedside. She could reach it easily. There it was. She lay back in bed uncrumpling it, expecting nothing.... This was the fag-end of a dream, surely! But no there the words were, staring her in the face: "Ralph Thornton Daverill!"

Do these gentlemen opposite mean to say that they will legislate on a question affecting the rights of people yet unborn, with the fag-end of a parliament dishonoured by its own confessions of incapacity?"

"I shouldn't have come to this fag-end of Christendom if I hadn't wanted very much to see you, you may depend upon it, Carrington," answered Reginald, sulkily. "What on earth makes you live in such an out-of-the-way hole?" "I am a student, and an out-of-the-way hole as you are good enough to call it suits my habits. Besides, this house is cheap, and the rent suits my pocket."

Dodge had doubts of his ability to render it with accuracy, but, as if to inform all whom it might concern what it was that he was executing, he hummed aloud the fag-end of the tune, keeping time with his fist upon his knee, "Pop goes the weasel, pop goes the weasel." Richard understood, and thanked him with his eyes.

It is, in fact, the fag-end of a witches' sabbath, which, if fully represented, would bear a strong resemblance to the scene at the commencement of the fourth act. But a long scene on such a subject would be tedious and unmeaning at the commencement of the play.

My main object in penetrating to these rugged wilds was to visit one of the Pringles, a relative of personal friends on the borders of my own land. Finding that Mr Pringle was absent from home, we turned aside to visit a cousin of Hobson's, a Mr John Edwards, who dwelt in what appeared to me the fag-end of the world, a lonely farmhouse, at the head of the mountain gorge named Seahorse Kloof.

They used to give her two or three hundred yards start, and then pass her under way; but always at the fag-end of the race she'd get excited and desperate-like, and come cavorting and straddling up, and scattering her legs around limber, sometimes in the air, and sometimes out to one side amongst the fences, and kicking up m-o-r-e dust, and raising m-o-r-e racket with her coughing and sneezing and blowing her nose and always fetch up at the stand just about a neck ahead, as near as you could cipher it down.

Halliday shows? that men and women live in drunken stupor upon the spoils of young children, often not their own, sent out to beg, to steal, or do worse yet? that even the very fag-end of humanity, the sentiment of "honor among thieves," perishes here? For twenty years, Mr.

They used to give her two or three hundred yards start, and then pass her under way; but always at the fag-end of the race she'd get excited and desperate-like, and come cavorting and straddling up, and scattering her legs around limber, sometimes in the air, and sometimes out to one side amongst the fences, and kicking up m-o-r-e dust and raising m-o-r-e racket with her coughing and sneezing and blowing her nose and always fetch up at the stand just about a neck ahead, as near as you could cipher it down.