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I fall back upon a fissure, a lack of continuity somewhere, although my examination fails to discover any on the Mason-bee's nest. I was better served in another case. Leucopsis dorsigera, FAB., settles her eggs on the larva of the Diadem Anthidium, who sometimes makes her nest in reed-stumps. I have repeatedly seen her insert her auger through a slight rupture in the side of the reed.

When it is by itself on the body of the mason bee's larva, the murderous grub belongs either to Anthrax trifasciata, MEIGEN, or to Leucospis gigas, FAB. But, if numerous little worms, often a score and more, swarm around the victim, then it is a Chalcidid's family which we have before us. Each of these ravagers shall have its biography. Let us begin with the Anthrax.

Jahn, p. 177, quoting Temme, "Volkssagen"; Ovid, "Metam." l. iii. fab. 3; Tacitus, "Germ." c. 40. Roger of Wendover, "Flowers of History," sub anno 1057. I quote from Dr. Giles' translation. See his Presidential Address to the Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archæologists' Field Club, 1886. MS. marked D. This entry is an interpolation in a list of mayors and sheriffs in a different handwriting.

Lael. 96 in manibus est oratio. LAUDATIO: sc. funebris, the funeral speech. See Plutarch's life of Fab. 24. QUEM PHILOSOPHUM: many of the ancient philosophers wrote popular treatises in which the principles of philosophy were applied to the alleviation of sorrow.

Bonaventura Vulcanus, who took occasion from Grotius's publishing this book, to write his elogium in verse, says in the conclusion, that Apollo had opened to him his sanctuary, and that he was himself an Apollo. Grotius's modesty would not permit him to leave us ignorant that he had been assisted by his Father in this work. Scal. 375. Ep. Gr. 2. Ep. Lips. ad Belgas, Cent. 3. p. 83. Ep. 130. Fab.

As first-rate joiners, next to the Carpenter-bees come the Lithurgi, of whom my district possesses two species: L. cornutus, FAB., and L. chrysurus, BOY. By what aberration of nomenclature was the name of Lithurgus, a worker in stone, given to insects which work solely in wood?

Upon my looking a little dissatisfied at some part of the picture, my attendant informed me that it was against Sir ROGER'S will, and at the earnest request of the gentleman himself, that he was drawn in the habit in which he had saved his master. No. 108. Gratis anhelans, multa agendo nihil agens. PHAEDR. Fab. v. 1. 2. Out of breath to no purpose, and very busy about nothing.

I walked on as if I was just relieved, and had passed their lines, when I turned back, and says I, "Captain, what guard is this?" He answered, "Nien bocht, you bet," is what I understood him to say. "What regiment are you from?" "Ben bicht mir ein riefel fab bien." "What regiment is your detail from?" "Iet du mein got Donnermetter stefel switzer."

"These principles are simple, my Lord, but they ought at least to be better known, or what would be still more desirable, better practised. As, however, my paper is nearly filled, I shall finish my communication with a short fab!e, to which I beg your lordship's serious attention.

It hath three roots, extremely distant from each other: one of them is among the gods; the second is among the giants, where the abyss formerly was; the third covers Niflheim, or hell, and under this root is the fountain Vergelmer, whence flow the infernal rivers. Edda, Fab. 8. Exod. iii. 5. Commentaries in loco. Commentary on Exod. iii. 5. Iamblichi Vita Pythag. c. 105.