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Father and Mother are awfully pleased and they have given each of us 2 crowns. Indeed Dora has practically nothing but Excellents, only three Praiseworthies; but she studies frantically hard, and she is learning Latin again with Frau Doktor M. If she is still teaching the lower classes next year, I shall go too, for that way we shall have her for 3 hours longer each week.

No one has expressed this feeling more neatly than Fauriel: "Nul doute que l'on ne puisse dire en prose des choses eminemment poetiques, tout comme il n'est que trop certain que l'on peut en dire de fort prosaiques en vers, et meme en excellents vers, en vers elegamment tournes, et en beau langage.

Je vous presenterai specialement a M. Franck, qui, sur ma demande, a ete votre rapporteur, et qui a parle de vous en termes excellents. From the Duc d'Aumale he received, a few days later: Bruxelles, 31 mai. Je ne doutais pas du bon accueil qui vous serait fait a l'Institut, et je suis ravi d'en recevoir le temoignage par votre lettre.

Allston, with the expectation of praise, and not only of praise but a score of 'excellents, 'well dones, and 'admirables'; I say it is mortifying to hear him after a long silence say: 'Very bad, sir; that is not flesh, it is mud, sir; it is painted with brick dust and clay.