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"'Well, says he, lookin' at his watch, 'it's now my time to eat, Mr. Scraggs, and I've took up so much of your valuable time chinnin' here, I don't feel I could do less than share my simple repast with you. I'm a stock-broker myself, he says, 'but none of these durned rich ones, so if you can stand for once to eat a meal not exceedin' five dollars in price, why, come along! says he.

He told him to mind his own business, or that he would make it hot for him. He told him that Garrison was a thief and cur; and that he would have no book-maker and tout "Hold on," said Drake. "You're gettin' too flossy right there. When you call me a tout you're exceedin' the speed limit." He had an uncomfortable steady blue eye and a face like a snow-shovel.

Dick was the first cold-blooded man I ever liked, an' he was sure cold-blooded at this period. Now dogs an' Barbie was allus exceedin' intimate. Dogs just doted on her, an she recipercated full measure; but she had one dog what was only a dog by what they call an act of courtesy. It must 'a' weighed fully two pounds, an' had bushy hair at that.

The lan'lord said my speech was full of orig'nality, but his idee was the old stage coach was more safer, and he tho't peple would indors that opinyin in doo time. I'm gettin' on exceedin' well in London. I see now, however, that I made a mistake in orderin' my close afore I left home. The trooth is the taler in our little villige owed me for a pig and I didn't see any other way of gettin' my pay.

Their voices were lusty, but their time erratic, and one ardent spirit was a bar ahead and gaining audibly with each lap despite the desperate spurts of the rest. "Opened out his throttle 'e has," whispered an Army driver professionally to his neighbour; "'e's a fair cop for exceedin' the speed limit."

He accordingly tuk me to his Scareum. The house is powerful big & in a exceedin large room was his wives & children, which larst was squawkin and hollerin enuff to take the roof rite orf the house. The wimin was of all sizes and ages.

What our brave lads stand most in need of now is Fruit Cake and Waffles. Do not weep for me. Henry Adolphus. I'm at present existin' under a monikal form of Gov'ment. In other words I'm travellin' among the crowned heds of Canady. They ain't pretty bad people. On the cont'ry, they air exceedin' good people. Troo, they air deprived of many blessins.

Warrington I do not say so much he is an able man, sir, an able man; but there is that about your exceedin self-satisfied friend, Mr. Arthur Pendennis, which well, well let time show. You did not get the hem paper at Rome and Naples, I suppose?" "Forbidden by the Inquisition," says Clive, delighted; "and at Naples the king furious against it." "I don't wonder they don't like it at Rome, sir.

A mother's leanin's is the soul's deceivin's, and yer leanin' on a broken reed. If the boy truly found that gold he'd have come to ye and said: 'Behold, mother, I have found gold in the highways and byways; rejoice and be exceedin' glad! and hev poured it inter yer lap. Yes," continued Mr.

The ol' man held his gun in his hand, an' so did Barbie, while I walked a step behind doin' a heap o' thinkin'. If the ol' man killed Dick, Barbie would shoot herself; if any one stopped the ol' man that one would take on weight exceedin' fast, unless he crippled the of man first.