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For that matter we could cover the deck the same way, since it'll be from the air most likely the danger is bound to come through Oscar Gleeb, the German ex-war pilot." "Sounds good to me, buddy!" snapped Perk, grinning. "I'll swing around overhead, and have my eye peeled for any sign of trouble," continued Jack, "and also keep tabs on you while on the trip south.

In his mind he entertained a comprehensive view of what their plan of action would most likely be to down this husky chap, either by means of a blow or else a bit of lead delivered where it would do the most good then a swift rush into the shack and crushing the ex-war veteran before he could fully grasp the meaning of it all.

However, this was no time to bother about such minor things when the main issue was whether he was destined to "get" the ex-war ace, or the other put him out of action when the battle was on. Perk shifted his gun so that its muzzle kept following the moving seaplane in its advance.

"There's nothing left in Ireland but domestic jobs." "Isn't you told me there might be something in Belfast?" "Linen mills are on part time now no chance. There's only one place for good jobs now that's across the channel." The little girl bit her lip. She shook her head and went out the rear exit provided for ex-war workers.

Beaten upon though he was by the shining light that emanates from an ex-war governor, and loyal as he remained to the old régime, his faith and admiration were Billy's. As valet to a hero, and a member of the family, he may have had superior opportunities for judging. Jeff was the first one to whom Bill revealed the news.

"Not a bit," said I. "Not the faintest hint of what you have said to me have I whispered into the ear of man or woman." She fumed. "If you had, you would be unmentionable." "Precisely. And I should have been equally undeserving of mention, if I had told you of the secret, or double, or ex-war however you like to describe it life of our friend."