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The ex-mate of the Celestine stood discreetly on the terrace, whistling to himself. But he was not whistling the song about his hat. No, it was a little plaintive air, dimly familiar, Ken thought. Where had he heard it before? And why was the Maestro straightening with a stricken face, from Kirk? "Roses in the moonlight, To-night all thine." That was the tune, to be sure!

"I always thought you were a fool, and now I know you are one! A drowning man, indeed! why, it's only the broken figurehead of some old vessel or other!" "Look, Mr McCarthy!" cried Mr Meldrum to the Irishman, who just then came up to see what all the commotion was about. "Don't you see what it is?" "Be jabers, I do!" responded the ex-mate, quite as much excited as the other.

"This Major Merton is a sensible man, Miles," the ex-mate began, as soon as I dropped in alongside of him, and joined in his semi-trot; "a downright, sensible sort of a philosopher-like man, accordin' to my notion." "What has he been telling you, now, that has seized your fancy so much stronger than common?"

It seems that they who have no mothers, have money, and they who have no money, have mothers." I waited a moment for Marble to recover his self-command, and then urged him to continue his story. "I was telling you how I generalized over my sitiation," resumed the ex-mate, "as soon as I found myself alone in the hut.

I had to answer fifty curious inquiries, some of which I found sufficiently embarrassing. When, in answer to his interrogatories, Marble learned that the Major and Miss Merton had actually been left at Clawbonny, I saw the ex-mate wink at Talcott, who smiled in reply. Then, where was Rupert, and how came on the law?

The parenthetical project, however, was to touch at the last island, procure a few divers, and proceed in quest of certain islands where it was supposed the pearl fishery would succeed. Our ship was altogether too large, and every way too expensive, to be risked in such an adventure, and so I told the ex-mate without any scruple.

They'll get every fact about your birth, the island where you first saw me, what you have been about, and what you mean to do; in a word, the past, present, and future." "Leave me to overlay their cur'osity," answered the ex-mate, or new commodore "I got my hand in, by boarding six weeks with a Connecticut old maid, once, and I'll defy the keenest questioner of them all."

Fraser thanked her again, warmly. "Or venturesome," added Miss Tyrell, thoughtfully. "You're not the kind." They walked on in silence; indignant silence on the part of the ex-mate. "Then you are out of a berth?" said Poppy, not unkindly. Fraser shook his head and explained. "And I told my father about you," he added, nervously.

Including myself, Talcott, Neb, the cabin-steward, and six of the people forward, there were ten of us on board, who knew the ex-mate; and, of the whole ten, there was not a dissenting voice concerning his identity. I determined, therefore, to stick by the Englishman, and at least have some communication with my old friend.

"Fine weather we're having," said the embarrassed ex-mate, "for June," he added, in justification of the remark. Miss Tyrell assented gravely, and stood there waiting. It is probable that two members at least of the family would have been gratified by the disappearance of the caller then and there, but that Mr.