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His description of Millicent as an ex-chorus girl offered another bonne bouche to the crowd. She would never again skip airily behind the footlights of the Wellington, or any other important theater in England. So far as she was concerned, the musical comedy candle that succeeded to the sacred lamp of West End burlesque was snuffed out. Millicent was actress enough not to flinch from the goad.

"I beg your pardon," said the ex-chorus girl. "And a good thing too," said Sally. "You are one of the busy ones, just got your salary for shoving, I suppose." There was no competing with Sally's tongue, and the girl passed without replying.

"But Leslie will marry some one, and I intend that it shall be you. He shall marry the ex-chorus girl, the artist's model, the the prostitute! Wait! Don't fly at me like that! Don't assume that look of virtuous horror! Let me say what I have to say. This much of your story shall they know, and no more. They will be proud of you!" Hetty's eyes were blazing.

If nothing better, the episode would provide an abundance of spicy gossip during the enforced idleness caused by the weather. "The lady whom you are endeavoring to malign, will, I hope, do me the honor of becoming my wife," he said. "That being so, she is beyond the reach of the slanderous malice of an ex-chorus girl." He spoke slowly, with the air of a man who weighed his words.

"He explained that the fact I suppose it is a fact would safeguard you from the malice of an ex-coryphée. Indeed, he put it more brutally. He spoke of the 'slanderous malice of an ex-chorus girl. The English term sounds a trifle harsher than the French, don't you think?" It began to dawn on Helen that Mrs. de la Vere's friendliness might have a somewhat sordid foundation.