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Les derniers événements et l'envoi par l'Autriche-Hongrie d'un ultimatum

La Hontan, I. 180 . Most of the details of the story are drawn from this writer, whose statement I have compared with that of Denonville, in his letter dated Nov. 9, 1688; of Callieres, Jan., 1689; of the Abstract of Letters from Canada, in N.Y. Col. Docs., IX. 393; and of the writer of Relation des Evenements de la Guerre, 8 Oct., 1688. Belmont notices the affair with his usual conciseness.

We saw no smoke, therefore Paris was not burning. But what was happening there? We were treated to the eternal sausage and something they called beefsteak; it might as well have been called "supreme de donkey," it was so tough. However, the others ate it with iron jaws and without a pang. Count Arco suggested I should take a drive, en attendant les evenements, and see the neighborhood.

The play was Gretry's "Les Evenements Imprevus." Unfortunately, Madame Dugazon thought proper to bow to the Queen as she sang the words, "Ah, how I love my mistress!" in a duet. Above twenty voices immediately exclaimed from the pit, "No mistress! no master! liberty!" A few replied from the boxes and slips, "Vive le Roi! vive la Reine!" Those in the pit answered, "No master! no Queen!"

De part ni d'autre, d'ailleurs, il n'y a d'homme en etat de diriger les evenements; ils iront done probablement tout seuls, commes des chevaux qui n'ont pas de cocher, ce qui est le moyen a peu pres sur d'aller dans le fosse. Christmas and the early days of the New Year were passed at Foxholes. On January 15th the Reeves returned to Rutland Gate.

"The first thing we saw was the President's poster saying not to be alarmed, that the measures of military preparation were required by circumstances (les événements) and did not mean war. Then over this bill the maire posted a notice that in case of a real mobilization (une mobilisation sérieuse) they would ring the tocsin. At eleven o'clock the tocsin rang, oh, la la, monsieur, what a fracas! All the bells in the town, Saint-Martin, Saint-Laurent, the hôtel de ville. Immediately all our troops went away. We did not want to see them go. 'We shall be back again, they said. They liked Pont-

A few days afterward, the insults were renewed even more pointedly. The royal family went in state to the opera, where, before their arrival, the Jacobins had packed the pit with a gang of their own hirelings, whose unpowdered hair made them conspicuous objects. The opera was one of Grétry's, "Les Événements Imprévus," in which one of the duets contains the line "Ah, comme j'aime ma maïtresse."

"Les Événements Imprévus". Lessart, M. Letters from Maria Teresa to her daughter. See Maria Teresa. From Marie Antoinette to her mother. See Marie Antoinette. Liancourt, Duc de. Libelous attacks on the queen. Liberty, Restorer of French, a title given to the king. Lichtenstein, Prince de, sent as envoy from Austria.

Il n'y a point de passé vide ou pauvre, il n'y a point d'événements misérables, il n'y a que des événements misérablement accueillis. Magdalen went back to her own room, and set down her candle on the dressing-table with a hand that trembled a little. "I ought not to have gone," she said half aloud, "and yet I knew she was awake and in trouble. And she nearly spoke to me to-day.

Je regrette infiniment aussi que les evenements politiques vous aient empeche de venir a Paris, comme vous vous le proposiez. Je suis obligee de partir pour Varsovie, et crains de vous manquer si vous venez bientot ici. C'est chez lui que je laisse en depot ce que nous avons rassemble jusqu'ici. It would seem from the following note that Lord Macaulay had spoken to Reeve of Dr.