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"No; not that," Diane corrected; "not even if the worst comes to the worst." "What do you mean? If the worst comes to the worst, he will have sacrificed himself " "For my honor; and George himself would be the first to tell you that it's worth dying for." Diane rose as she spoke, Mrs. Eveleth following her example.

But if we have a good house waiting for us, and are able to entertain nicely, we can attract the best people, and and really do some good." I rose in a distress which I could not hide. "Oh, Eveleth, Eveleth!" I cried. "You are like all the rest, poor child! You are the creature of your environment, as we all are. You cannot escape what you have been.

Though he was looking straight at her, he was too deeply engrossed in his own thoughts to see how proudly her head went up, or to note the flash of splendid light in which her glance enveloped him. "I was all ready to die," he pursued, in the same meditative tone, "that morning in the Pré Catalan. George Eveleth could have had my life for the asking.

As the ground covered by the mansion thus disrespectfully alluded to was about eight feet by twelve, and there were at that particular moment sixteen different streams of water pouring down upon their heads, the rest had already discovered the fact, and there was a hasty consultation. "Can't we stop up the holes?" "Nothing to do it with!" said Harry Eveleth mournfully.

It was no more, on Marion's part, than an uneasy movement, but it betrayed its cause. Miss Lucilla pressed her point with renewed insistence, and presently two big tears hung on the long, black lashes and rolled down. "I should like to see Mrs. Eveleth."

He found, however, that the process paid; for boldness engendered a sort of fictitious belief which paralyzed the tendency to self-upbraiding until it ceased. The special quality of his courage was shown on that gray dawn when he stood up before George Eveleth in a corner of the Pré Catalan.

Eveleth, it had certainly nothing to do with the South American complications in the business of Van Tromp & Co., which made Pruyn's departure for Rio de Janeiro a possibility of the near future. He had long foreseen that he would be obliged to make the journey sooner or later, but that he should have to do it just now was particularly inconvenient.

From time to time they received stray copies of the "Banner and Oracle," which, to Myrtle especially, were full of interest, even to the last advertisement. A few paragraphs may be reproduced here which relate to persons who have figured in this narrative. "Married, on the 6th instant, Fordyce Hurlbut, M. D., to Olive, only daughter of the Rev. Ambrose Eveleth.

Accordingly, on a bright May morning, within a few days of the last meeting between Derek Pruyn and Diane Eveleth, she sallied forth to the fashionable quarter where Mrs. Bayford dwelt, coming home, some two hours later, with a considerably extended knowledge of the possibilities inherent in human nature.

She alone knows the sort of life I led with her son, and I am convinced that she will see justice done me." Mrs. Eveleth listened silently, with the still look of pain that belongs to those growing old in the expectation of misfortune. "I've been afraid something would happen," was her only comment. "But surely, dear Mrs. Eveleth, you don't think any of it can be true!"