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B.j. to the end, are you?" "No, sir; only anxious to atone for my b.j.-ety," replied Cadet Prescott, with a little flash of his eyes. Anstey had gone below with Devine, to render any help that could be given. "This is rather unusual, mister," suggested Mr. Edwards, glancing at his watch. "However, if you really feel fit, and if it suits Mr. Kramer "

"This plebe, Briggs, was caught in a very rank piece of b.j.-ety. We couldn't let his offence go by. We hazed him for a straight cause, not merely for being a plebe. What I object to is annoying plebes simply because they are green men." "But what about that soiree you mentioned to the plebe?" demanded Griffin eagerly. "I told him only to be ready if called," Prescott made reply.

"And you, sir, come into this tent and accuse me of something. What I am anxious to know, sir, is what it is that I am accused of." "See here, mister, I've no more time to waste on a b.j. beast. You've spoiled my best white ducks, and, incidentally, my temper. You compound this by adding more b.j.-ety. If you don't know what I'm going to do about it, wait until you hear from me, mister!"

Choose your own course, and prove where you stand." Then Cadet Lieutenant Edwards turned around to Cadet Prescott with a look that made that Gridley boy feel rather uncomfortable. "As for you, mister, never again, while you're a plebe, be so b.j. If there's one thing, mister, that gets a plebe into three times as much trouble as any other thing, then it's b.j.-ety!"

What I do mean is that I shall go very slowly indeed in annoying any plebe. I shan't do it, probably, unless I note a case of such utter b.j.-ety that I feel bound to bring the plebe quickly to his senses." "You cast a gloom over us," muttered Furlong. "So far we haven't done any hazing. We were thinking of ordering a plebe in here, and starting in on him, so as to get our hands in.

"I wouldn't feel so bad about a call down over a bit of ordinary b.j.-ety. I was scorched and withered for being a cold-foot and a quitter and I deserve it all, and more!" "I'm glad you see that, old Gridley!" murmured Cadet Dick heartily. "Now, Greg, you won't write another letter of resignation, will you?" "Not if I die of homesickness and melancholy!" muttered Greg, clenching his hands.

At three years of age he began to read eagerly; at five he "talked like a book"; at ten he had written a compendium of universal history, besides various hymns, verse romances, arguments for Christianity, and one ambitious epic poem. The habit of rapid reading, begun in childhood, continued throughout his life, and the number and vari ety of books which he read is almost incredible.

An' she seen somethin' b-b-b-lack scooting cross lots, l-l-li-lic-lick ety c-c-c-ut!" "Monty, if I were you, I wouldn't try to say 'lickety-cut, till " again reproved the girl-teacher, still forgetful of secrecy. And again Mr. Jones ignored her, asking the boy: "Where was Bob, son of Mrs. Turner, about that time?" "F-f-fudge! I don't know. Somewhere's r-r-round, m-maybe. But it wasn't him.

I don't believe in making him feel that he's a pet. I do believe in frowning down all b.j.-ety. I don't believe in recognizing a plebe, except officially. But I don't believe in subjecting any really good fellow to a lot of senseless and half cruel hazing that has no purpose except the amusement of the yearlings. Now, I think I've made myself clear.

"Do you believe we ought to take the plebe right into our midst, and condole with him until we get him over his homesickness? Do you feel that we should overlook all the traditional b.j.ety of the plebe, and admit him to full fellowship without any probation or instruction?" "No," spoke Dick promptly. "I don't believe in patting the plebe on the shoulder and increasing his conceit.