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An' your missis theer, if I haven't kept it for the last! 'Tis news four-an-twenty hour old now an' they wrote to 'e essterday, but I lay you missed the letter awin' to me " "Get on!" "Well, she've brought 'e a bwoy so now you've got both sorts bwoy an' cheel. An' all doin' well as can be, though wisht work for her, thinkin' 'pon you the while."

"'T is just like essterday butivul grawing weather, but 'pears to me it's plain facts more 'n poetry. Anybody could come to the streamside and see it all for themselves." "Many are far away, pent in bricks and mortar, yearning deep to see the dance of the Spring, and chained out of sight of it. This might bring one glimpse to them." "An' so it might, if you sold it for a bit of money.

"I be strong strong to meet my awn darter. Gimme the key, quick the key, Will do 'e hear me, child?" "I'll come along with 'e." "No, I say. What! Ban't I a young woman still? 'T was awnly essterday Chris corned in the world. You just bide with Phoebe, an' do what I tell 'e." Will handed over the key at this order, and Mrs.

"I'd have taken my oath he wouldn't essterday. Now I think differ'nt. He never meant friendship; he awnly wanted for me to smart. Clem Hicks was right." "Theer's Mr. Grimbal might give 'e work, I think. Go an' ax un, an' tell un I sent 'e." A moment later Chris was sorry she had made this remark. "What be talkin' 'bout?" Will asked bluntly. "Tell un you sent me?" "Martin wants to be friends."

The dumb things do her greater credit than ever I can. The " "Now, I'll go on my solemn word, I'll go if you grumble any more! Essterday you was so different, and said you'd fallen in love with Miss Spring, and pretended to speak to her and make me jealous. You didn't do that, but you made me laugh. An' you promised a purty verse for me. Did 'e make it up after all? I lay not." "Yes, I did.

"She'd gived me her word 'fore ever Blee axed her. I seed her essterday, to hear final 'pon the subjec', an' she tawld me straight, bein' sober as you at the time, as 't was me she wanted an' meant for to have.

I wasted two or three hours over it last night." "Might 'e get ten shillings for it, like t' other?" "It's not worth the paper it's on, unless you like it. Your praise is better than money to me. Nobody wants any thoughts of mine. Why should they?" "Not when they 'm all sour an' poor, same as now; but essterday you spoke like to a picture-book.

Essterday I'd 'a' fought an' screamed an' took on like a gude un to be fetched away to the Union; but come they put him in the ground, I'll go so quiet as a lamb." Another silence followed; then the aged widow pursued her theme, at first in the same dreary, cracked monotone, then deepening to passion.