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"Yes, I am grateful to the accident that has given me the opportunity of judging for myself," quoth Lord Erymanth, and with a magnanimity which I was then too inexperienced to perceive, he added, "I can better estimate the motives which made you decide on fixing your residence with your nephews, and I have no reluctance in declaring them natural and praiseworthy."

She wished she was Dermot she wished she was uncle Erymanth she wished she was anybody, to stand up and do battle with those horrid women! anybody but a poor little girl, who must obey orders and be separated from her friends. And she cried, and made such violent assurances that I had to soothe and silence her, and remind her of her first duty, &c.

Glear, the eldest son of the heir-presumptive, a stiff, shy youth in the Erymanth atmosphere, whatever he might be out of it, and not at all happy with Viola, who was wont to tease and laugh at him. It was a save-trouble dinner, as informal as the St. Glear nature and servants permitted.

May I go and speak to your coachman? Tracy gave me a message for him." Harold was off, and Lord Erymanth observed, "A very fine young man that. It is much to be regretted that he did not employ the advantages he enjoyed at Sydney as his cousin Eustace did, and left himself so rugged and unpolished." "You must learn to like him, dear Lord Erymanth," I said.

Dreadful harm was done on the Erymanth estate, and the farm from which Lewthwayte had been expelled suffered especially, the whole of the ricks and buildings being burnt down, though the family of the occupant was saved, partly by Prometesky's exertions.

And there is little doubt but that your cousin's influence at such a critical period may have great effect in turning the scale?" Harold nodded. "More especially as, from the intelligence I have received, I have little doubt that the connection will be drawn a good deal closer before long," said Lord Erymanth with a benignant smile at us both.

It seemed to her to be the means of keeping her son from the place in Ireland, which she disliked more than ever, and she hoped her brother would advance enough to prevent this from being needful; but for this Lord Erymanth was far too wise.

Nothing stands out to me more distinctly, with its pleasures and pains, than the visit to Erymanth Castle from our arrival in the dark the lighted hall the servants meeting us the Australians' bewilderment at being ushered up to our rooms without a greeting from the host my lingering to give a last injunction in Eustace's ear, "Now, Eustace, I won't have Harold's hair greased; and put as little stuff as you can persuade yourself to do on your pocket-handkerchief" orders I had kept to the last to make them more emphatic; then dashing after the housekeeper, leaving them to work my great room, where it was a perfect journey from the fire to the toilet-table my black lace dress, and the silver ornaments those dear nephews had brought me from London and in the midst of my hair-doing dear little Viola's running in to me in one of her ecstacies, hugging me, to the detriment of Colman's fabric and her own, and then dancing round and round me in her pretty white cloudy tulle, looped up with snowdrops.

But we had not yet done with the amenities of the Stympsons. The morning's post brought letters to Lady Diana and Lord Erymanth, which were swallowed by the lady with only a flush on her brow, but which provoked from the gentleman a sharp interjection. "Scandalous, libellous hags!" "The rara Avis?" inquired Dermot.

With Lord Erymanth at our head, we had opposed with all our might the breaking up of the beautiful moorland that ran right down into Mycening, and the defilement of our pure and rapid Lerne; but modern progress had been too strong for us.