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He put out his own hand with an awkward, shy movement, picked a strawberry from her fingers, and thrust it in his mouth. "Mm," said Jethro, gravely. "Er what's your name, little gal what's your name?" "Cynthia." There was a long pause. "Er er Cynthia?" he said at length, "Cynthia?" "Cynthia." "Er-er, Cynthia not Cynthy?" "Cynthia," she said again. He bent over her and lowered his voice.

He put out his own hand with an awkward, shy movement, picked a strawberry from her fingers, and thrust it in his mouth. "Mm," said Jethro, gravely. "Er what's your name, little gal what's your name?" "Cynthia." There was a long pause. "Er er Cynthia?" he said at length, "Cynthia?" "Cynthia." "Er-er, Cynthia not Cynthy?" "Cynthia," she said again. He bent over her and lowered his voice.

At the slightest motion his tunic seemed as though it would crack, and perspiration came on to his face. The officer was rosy, clean-shaven, feminine-looking, and as supple as an English whip. "What may I give you? asked the chemist's wife, holding her dress across her bosom. "Give us . . . er-er . . . four pennyworth of peppermint lozenges!"

Instantly Athol had sprung to his feet and was mincing along behind the Admiral in such perfect mimicry of his sister that Archie hooted. Beverly scorned to notice the by-play and asked: "Do you want me Uncle Athol?" "Yes, come along into my study for this er-er well perplexing question is going to be settled right here and now."

Why, bless my soul, that would be to back your sails in the face of Providence." Roger leaned forward. "Why should I not go home by way of Sunda Strait?" "Why, my dear sir, if any one were er-er to wish you harm, and if your own story is to be believed, there are those who do wish you harm, Sunda Strait, of all places in the world, is the easiest to cut you off." "Mr.

True, it was not always helpful to Theodora to be roused from her work by the monotonous er-er, er-er of scales and five finger exercises, and there were moments when she wondered if pianos were never built with only a soft pedal and that lashed into a position which would entail chronic operation.

He put out his own hand with an awkward, shy movement, picked a strawberry from her fingers, and thrust it in his mouth. "Mm," said Jethro, gravely. "Er what's your name, little gal what's your name?" "Cynthia." There was a long pause. "Er er Cynthia?" he said at length, "Cynthia?" "Cynthia." "Er-er, Cynthia not Cynthy?" "Cynthia," she said again. He bent over her and lowered his voice.

And I thought what a heavy, sluggish fellow he was! Whenever he talked of anything serious he articulated "Er-er with intense effort, and worked just as he talked slowly, always late and behind-hand. I had little faith in his business capacity if only from the fact that when I gave him letters to post he carried them about in his pocket for weeks together.

Even here at Slowburgh what would be left for us?" "Wouldn't we have breakfast to-morrow morning, papa?" asked the little girl in his lap. "Er-er-well, perhaps we might have breakfast " "Wouldn't we have clothes, papa?" "Perhaps we might have but no, we couldn't either; it's the tariff that gives us our clothes by keeping all foreign clothes out of the country, and then we shouldn't have er-er "

"Let's look at it." "There it is. Look there, now. Don't it say full moon on the 20th? and this yer's only the 9th, and yet it's full moon now." "That's so; and Er er Less see Er-er Mr. Bones, do you know what year this almanac is for?" "Why, 1876, of course." "No, it isn't; it's for 1866. It's ten years old." "Oh no! 1866! Well, now, it is. I declare! 1866! Why, merciful Moses!