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They could not be prevailed upon to pronounce any distinct opinion: they qualified, and hesitated, and softened, and equivocated, and "were not positively able to judge, for really they had never thought upon the subject." Upon the whole, however, it was evident that they did not betray that natural horror which pervaded the more experienced matrons.

They neither denied the charge against them nor equivocated in their motives for their conduct; alarmed they were, indeed, for the unhappy Agnes; but as denial and concealment were now alike impossible, and could avail her nothing, they boldly, nay, proudly acknowledged that which they had done, and openly rejoiced it had been theirs to give one gleam of comfort to the dying Nigel, by extending protection to his wife.

A more innocent wish never entered into the heart of a human being, you will say, yet this letter causes me many qualms, for I cannot help thinking that I have been untruthful; I have lied is, perhaps, too strong a word but I have certainly equivocated to the Prioress, and deceived her, I think, though it is possible, wishing to be deceived, she lent herself to the deception.

In the cabin with Keseberg were found two kettles of human blood, in all, supposed to be over two gallons. Rhodes asked him where he had got the blood. He answered, "There is blood in dead bodies." They asked him numerous questions, but he appeared embarrassed, and equivocated a great deal; and in reply to their asking him where Mrs.

"I wasn't paying much attention," he equivocated, a remark not calculated to appease her anger. "Why were you doing it?" "I was just practising," said Tom. "Practising!" exclaimed Nancy, scornfully. "I shouldn't think you needed to practise that any more." "Oh, I've done it louder," he declared, "Listen!" She seized his hands, snatching them away from his lips.

He turned around, clasping his hands about one knee and looking squarely at her. "I expect you done a heap with your book yesterday after I went away?" Her cheeks colored a little under his straight gaze. "I didn't stay there long," she equivocated. "But I got some very good ideas, and I am glad that I didn't write much.

I never equivocated, sir," said Harry. "Don't begin now, then," said Cornelius: "I've enough to put me out of humour already so answer straight, like yourself. What's this you've done to get the ill-will of White Connal, that's just gone?" Surprised and embarrassed, Ormond answered, "I trust I have not his ill-will, sir." "You have, sir," said O'Shane.

But they don't know that I can't can't do it. And they're rather taking it for granted that I am going to!" "Going to marry him!" he asked aghast. "Surely you haven't equivocated about it, Susan?" he asked sharply. "Not with him!" she answered in quick self-defense, with a thrill for the authoritative tone. "I went up there, tired as I am, and told him the absolute truth," said Susan.

"Sakes alive! you won't be able to see the way to the gate. It's as dark as a nigger's pocket and thicker than young ones in a poor man's family, as my father used to say. You'll be wet through. Where in the world are you bound for THIS night?" The minister equivocated. He said he had been in the house all day and felt like a walk. "Well, take an umbrella, then," was the housekeeper's advice.

At least I equivocated, and to equivocate with one so loyal and simple was to deceive him. I am the only sinner: that sweet angel is the only sufferer. Is this the justice of Heaven? Doctor, my remorse is great. No one knows what I feel when I look at my work. Edouard thinks I love her so much better than I do him.