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Quand, au milieu d'un entretien calme et melancolique, tout a coup il aperçoit le spectre, on suit tout; ses mouvemens dans les yeux qui le contemplent, et l'on ne peut douter de la presence du fantome quand un tel regard l'atteste."

Des rayons du matin l'horizon se colore, Le jour vient éclairer notre tendre entretien, Mais est-il un sourire aux lèvres de l'aurore. Aussi doux que le tien? M. Mérimée was vile by nature, he must not be blamed for it. With regard to M. de Morny it is otherwise, he was more worthy; there was something of the brigand in him. M. de Morny was courageous. Brigandage has its sentiments of honor.

Clayton, in her bed-gown and swathed in flannel, peering, peeping, listening at the door of her chamber, as unlovely a vision, certainly, as ever broke up an entretien or dissolved a delusion.

On a designe des lieux particuliers, fertiles en paturages; et on leur a donne des boeufs, moutons, &c. pour qu'ils pussent dans la suite travailler par euxmemes a leur entretien et a leur bienetre."

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères est absent. Pendant un entretien prolongé, que j'ai eu aujourd'hui avec Macchio, j'ai, en termes tout

No wonder, then, that, in the present dearth of poetry in France, this epic or idyl, call it as you will, was received with acclamations. M. René Taillandier has consecrated to it one of his most masterly articles in the "Revue des Deux Mondes." Lamartine has devoted to it a whole entretien in his "Cours de Littérature." It was discussed, quoted, translated in all the journals of the capital.

Il ajoutait seulement qu'a la vue de ce bien-heureux tant de choses lui vinrent a l'esprit pour les lui demander, qu'il ne savoit pas ou commencer son entretien avec ce cher defunt. Enfin, lui dit-il: "Apprenez moi, mon Pere, ce que ie dois faire pour etre bien agreable a Dieu." "Jamais," repondit le martyr, "ne perdez le souvenir de vos peches."

I found a splendid copy of Voltaire in the Holkham library, and hunted through the endless volumes, till I came to the 'Dialogues Philosophiques. The world is too busy, fortunately, to disturb its peace with such profane satire, such withering sarcasm as flashes through an 'entretien' like that between 'Frere Rigolet' and 'L'Empereur de la Chine. Every French man of letters knows it by heart; but it would wound our English susceptibilities were I to cite it here.

On a designe des lieux particuliers, fertiles en paturages; et on leur a donne des boeufs, moutons, &c. pour qu'ils pussent dans la suite travailler par euxmemes a leur entretien et a leur bienetre."

De Maistre did not perceive that the cause which he supported was no longer the cause of peace and tranquillity and right living, but was in a state of absolute and final decomposition, and therefore was the cause of disorder and blind wrong living. Of this we shall now see more. Soirées de Saint Pétersbourg, 6ième entretien, i. 397-442. Ib. Soirées, i. 76