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"A proprement parler, la philosophie théologique, même dans notre première enfance, individuelle ou sociale, n'a jamais pu être rigoureusement universelle, c'est-

" Je sais de quels appas son enfance etait pleine, Et n'ai pas entrepris, Injurieux ami, de consoler ta peine Avecque son mepris." Then in ecstacy, she exclaimed, "How beautiful that is! What harmony! How is it possible for any one not to admire such exquisite, such touching verses!

Shortly after the publication of "Lutetia," in which this bold characterization was expressed, the first performance of Berlioz's "Enfance du Christ" was given, and the poet, who was on his sick-bed, wrote a penitential letter to his friend for not having given him full justice.

Again Monsieur Philomène cleared his voice, and suffered a pensive languor to cloud his manly brow. "Revenez, revenez, beaux jours de mon enfance," he began, in a small, tremulous, fluty voice. "They'll have a long road to travel back, parbleu!" muttered Müller. "De votre aspect riant charmer ma souvenance!" Here Mdlle.

But the reader must interpret its meaning for himself. Ma soeur, vous souvient-il qu'aux jours de notre enfance, En lisant les hauts fails de l'histoire de France, Remplis d'admiration pour nos frères Gaulois, Des généraux fameux nous vantions les exploits?

In fact, in, view of the circumstance that she lost all day, the croupiers and other authorities of the Casino showed her every attention; and on her fame spreading through the town, visitors of every nationality even the most knowing of them, the most distinguished crowded to get a glimpse of "la vieille comtesse russe, tombee en enfance," who had lost "so many millions."

Yet now, when the Grandmother had just performed an astonishing feat at roulette; now, when the old lady's personality had been so clearly and typically revealed as that of a rugged, arrogant woman who was "tombee en enfance"; now, when everything appeared to be lost, why, now the Grandmother was as merry as a child which plays with thistle-down. "Good Lord!"

Comme si je l'ai deja vu ... est-ce en reve? ... en demi-delire? Ou dans sa petite enfance?" "Just imagine, I, too, have remarked this strange face. But where have I seen it ... was it in a dream? ... in semi-delirium? Or in her early infancy?" "Ne vous donnez pas la peine de chercher dans vos souvenirs, baronne," Tamara suddenly interposed insolently. "Je puis de suite vous venir aide.

"Mais elle est tombee en enfance," he added aside to the General. "Seule, elle fera des betises." More than this I could not overhear, but he seemed to have got some plan in his mind, or even to be feeling a slight return of his hopes. The distance to the Casino was about half a verst, and our route led us through the Chestnut Avenue until we reached the square directly fronting the building.

I should have fallen in love with you if I had been a man. Why do you not get married? It is time now that I was going. I want to walk, yet I always have to ride. Are you still in a bad temper?" she added to the General. "No, indeed," rejoined the now mollified General. "I quite understand that at your time of life " "Cette vieille est tombee en enfance," De Griers whispered to me.