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Beauty but bounty avails nought. Bairns mother burst never. Breads House skiald never. Biting and scarting is Scots folks Wooing. Beware of Had I wist. Better be alone nor in ill company. Better a chigging mother, nor a riding father. Better never begun nor never endit. Bonie silver is soon spendit. Before I wein, and now I wat. Curtesie is cumbersom to them that kens it not.

The soutar closed the door and returned to his work, saying aloud as he went, "Lord, lat me ever and aye see thy face, and noucht mair will I desire excep that the haill warl, O Lord, may behold it likewise. The prayers o' the soutar are endit!" Peter Blatherwick went home joyous at heart.

Thomas, 'Sir, I think so. 'I will bide his feud and all his kin's then; quoth he. 'Pray, pray to God for me, and let Him direct all. So by the printing of his Cornicle was endit, that maist learned, wyse, and godly man endit this mortal life." He was a pedagogue, perhaps something of a pedant, a hot partisan, a special pleader; but few lives can show a more dignified and noble end.

'That hae they, Robert. And to be plain wi' ye, I haena that muckle fear o' ye; for I hae heard the kin' o' life 'at ye hae been leadin'. God's hearkent to my prayers for you; and gin ye gang on as ye hae begun, my prayers, like them o' David the son o' Jesse, are endit.