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And all torn at that! In the depths of winter! I can't go out for lack of a coat. If I had a coat of any sort, I would go and see Mademoiselle Mars, who knows me and is very fond of me. Does she not still reside in the Rue de la Tour-des-Dames? Do you know, sir? We played together in the provinces. I shared her laurels. Celimene would come to my succor, sir! Elmire would bestow alms on Belisaire!

Tartuffe was the after-piece; but neither the spirit and perfection of the acting, nor the pretty face and plump shoulders of Elmire, nor the soubrette's dimpled arms, nor the ingénue's innocent eyes, nor the noble, witty lines that filled the theatre and roused the audience to fresh attention, could stir his spirit that hung entranced on the lips of a tragic heroine.

He gave such a look at Madame Hulot as Tartuffe casts at Elmire when a provincial actor plays the part and thinks it necessary to emphasize its meaning at Poitiers, or at Coutances.

Thereupon, Mademoiselle Brohan turned to the stage-manager and asked, 'What am I to do now? 'Well, said that functionary, 'Madame X used to bite her lips and look sideways at the offending hand; Madame Z used to blush and frown, etc. But neither of them said, What would a woman like Elmire a virtuous woman do if so insulted by a sneaking hypocrite?

Gueneau de Mussy, who knew her well, and used to see her very frequently in her later years of retirement from the stage, told me that he had often heard her read, among other things, the whole play of "Le Tartuffe," and that the coarse flippancy of the honest-hearted Dorinne, and the stupid stolidity of the dupe Orgon, and the vulgar, gross, sensual hypocrisy of the Tartuffe, were all rendered by her with the same incomparable truth and effect as her own famous part of the heroine of the piece, Elmire.

Erwin und Elmire and Claudine von Villabella, if I may say so, are ideal operettes, which breathe so lightly and airily that, with the accompaniments of music and acting, they would be in danger of becoming heavy and prosaic; in these pieces the noble and sustained style of the dialogue in Tasso is diversified with the most tender songs.

M. Bressant was the Tartuffe, and Madeleine Brohan was to personate Elmire. They came to the point where Tartuffe lays his hand on the knee of Elmire.

There the French widower had shaded the grave: of his Elmire or Celestine with a brilliant thicket of roses, amidst which a little tablet rising, bore an equally bright testimony to her countless virtues. Every nation, tribe, and kindred, mourned after its own fashion; and how soundless was the mourning of all!

Dites-moi donc, ma fille, Qu'en toute sa personne un haut merite brille, Qu'il touche votre coeur, et qu'il vous seroit doux De le voir par men choix devenir votre epoux!" "Have we not read the scene prettily, Elmire?" says the Colonel, laughing, and turning round to his wife. Elmira prodigiously admired Orgon's reading, and so did his daughters, and almost everything besides which Mr.

He gave such a look at Madame Hulot as Tartuffe casts at Elmire when a provincial actor plays the part and thinks it necessary to emphasize its meaning at Poitiers, or at Coutances.