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Notwithstanding this haughty reply, the younger son of the Medianas could not but remember how he, a trembling and weeping child, had, twenty years before, in the castle of Elanchovi quailed beneath the glance of the man whom he now presumed to judge. The timid eaglet had now become the eagle, which, in its turn, held the prey in its powerful talons.

"A short time after, his uncle appeared at Elanchovi and claimed his nephew's fortune and titles. All was given up to him, and I, who believed that I had only sold my services to favour an intrigue or an affair of smuggling, found that I had been the accomplice of a murderer. "I upbraided the present Count Mediana before witnesses, and accused him of this crime.

The cause of this mutual ignorance of each other's past was that neither of them had ever mentioned the word Elanchovi in the hearing of the other. The Canadian had never thought of communicating the incidents of that night to his prairie comrade; and Pepe, on his side, would have given much to have blotted them altogether from the pages of his memory.

"I have good reasons to know Elanchovi but there's no time to talk of it now; I will settle that business by-and-by, for it's a secret you can't comprehend without my help. So indeed it is the young count, and you have found him again! Well that's enough at present. Now, Bois-Rose, forward! You take to the right of where the shot came from, while this young man and I go to the left.

"Of one who, without knowing it, aided to some extent in the assassination of your mother of one whom that sad souvenir has a thousand times troubled the conscience who, in the silence of the night in the midst of the woods, has often fancied he could hear that cry of anguish, which at the time he mistook for the wailing of the breeze against the cliffs of Elanchovi.

Don Juan, therefore, believed he could rely upon the devotion of this functionary to the interests of his house, and that during his absence Dona Luisa would find security under the magisterial protection. Don Ramon Cohecho was the name of the chief magistrate of Elanchovi. The Count was not permitted long to enjoy the happiness of his married life.

"My mother's assassin!" cried he, his eyes flashing with furious indignation. "And you know him?" "You also you have eaten with him at the same table under the same roof that which you have just now quitted!" Pepe without further interrogation went on to recount what he knew of the events of Elanchovi.

The sight of the young man whom he had himself assisted in making an orphan, and despoiling not only of his title and wealth, but even of his name renewed within him the remorse which twenty years had not sufficed to blot out from his memory. Under the dawning light he looked sadly but silently on the face of that child whom he had often seen playing upon the beach of Elanchovi.

At the time of which I am writing that is, in 1830 just twenty-two years after the tragedy of Elanchovi, one of these expeditions was being organised at Arispe then the capital of the State of Sonora. The man who was to be the leader of the expedition was not a native of Mexico, but a stranger.

He disclosed all to his half-frantic listener the after actions of Don Antonio with regard to himself his imprisonment and subsequent banishment to the fisheries of Ceuta his escape at a later period to the prairies of America, and his meeting with Bois-Rose with whom, however, no recognition had ever been established about the events of Elanchovi since neither had ever mentioned that name in hearing of the other.