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He tried the experiment instantly with my eight-bore, and it did go off, and blew a hole right through one of his oxen, which were just then being driven up to the kraal, to say nothing of knocking him head over heels with the recoil.

We were nearly 300 miles away from Bamangwato, the capital of Khama's country, which was the nearest spot where we could get any help, and our ammunition, spare guns, clothing, food, and everything else, were all totally destroyed. I had just what I stood in, which was a flannel shirt, a pair of 'veldt-schoons, or shoes of raw hide, my eight-bore rifle, and a few cartridges.

His 'spirit had certainly looked that way, he said, or he would now have been dead. As I never like to interfere with true piety, I did not venture to suggest that his spirit had deigned to make use of my eight-bore in his interest.

Ignorant of whether or not the lion was even wounded, in the brave boy came, crept in range and fired a great eight-bore ball fair through the lion's heart.

Passing through the sitting- room, I reminded Ajax that my duck-gun, an eight-bore, could carry two ounces of buck-shot about one hundred yards. "We mustn't fight 'em with their own weapons," he answered curtly. The popping ceased suddenly; silence succeeded. "They're having their bad time, too," said Ajax. "They are hitching their plugs to the fence. Hullo!"

Even as he came I saw the blood mark on his side where poor Hans' bullet had struck him, and also, as is often the case with particularly savage buffaloes, that his flanks had recently been terribly torn in an encounter with a lion. "With a shout Mashune bolted off sideways towards the bush. I had instinctively lifted my eight-bore, which I had in my hand.

I was not a strong man, but having recovered my eight-bore I was armed, and so was the other strong man the elephant with the tusks. Consequently I prepared for a struggle to the death. In other words, I summoned my faithful retainers, and told them that I was now going to follow those elephants to the edge of the world, if necessary.

"So far as I can make out from your servant you seem to be in a baddish way. By George! there is a lady." "How do you do?" answered Leonard. "Capital sun-helmet that of yours. I envy it, but you see I have had to go bare-headed lately," and he ran his fingers through his matted hair. "Who is the maker of that eight-bore? Looks a good gun!"

Indeed, I had half a mind to give him a ball from my eight-bore, but on reflection determined to let him alone unless he actually charged the boat. Presently he sank again as noiselessly as before, and I saw no more of him. Just then, on looking towards the bank on our right, I fancied that I caught sight of a dark figure flitting between the tree trunks.

This, unluckily enough, struck us as a good idea, and accordingly we at once got out our eight-bore rifles, for which we still had a few cartridges left, and prepared for action. There were four of the animals, a big bull, a cow, and two young ones, one three parts grown.