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Perhaps something can be obtained if we limit ourselves to a study of cases with pronounced somatic renal symptoms and signs, cases with the renal facies and the like. As to the question of phthisis and mental disease, Ziehen remarks that the tuberculous are often observed to be optimistic but that other cases show a hypochondriacal depression with egocentric narrowing of interests.

Of course a great constructive, dramatic poet like Shakespeare would have solved his problem in a different manner, or through the objective, artistic portrayal of types and characters. But the poet and prophet of democracy and of egotism shows us all things in and through himself. His egotism, or egocentric method, is the fundamental fact about his work. It colors all and determines all.

Even in those days he displayed, side by side, on the one hand, his democratic bias which led him violently to oppose the aristocratic student-clubs, and on the other, his egocentric and autocratic leanings which made him inaccessible to any advice from outside, and constantly embroiled him with the governing council of the University. As Governor of New Jersey, The Holy Land of "Trusts," Mr.

A contribution to our insight as to the epileptic state of mind is made by Jung, under the title, "Analyse der Assoziationen eines Epileptikers," in his, "Diagnostische Assoziationsstudien. Beitrage zur experimentellen Psychopathologie." p. 175 . He found an extraordinary number of emotionally toned, egocentric relations.

In some respects his little ideas were charming but she had to turn off a great deal that he said to stay sane. "Castle, house, house, castle who gives a flying f " permeated through her brain tissue. She loved this egocentric being that had pulled out of her body and she did not consider him too boring.

The boys were easier: the preferable one who had not come from her womb purred more often than he whined and the one with the demanding mouth railed and complained in less of a dual personality than the former but on the pettiest of things from her forgetting to buy him Pop Tarts to Hispanic Betty's abuse of toilet paper; however both could be easily characterized as egocentric toy soldiers who beat their drums chaotically when their batteries needed recharging or a TV advertisement had indelibly branded a "need" onto their brains.

Every attempt to bolster up Confucianism in practice or theory was bound to fail and did fail. Even the gentry could scarcely offer any real defence of the Confucian system any longer. With Confucianism went the moral standards especially of the upper classes of society. Taoism was out of the question as a substitute, because of its anarchistic and egocentric character.

Observing laughter and other audience reactions which are not in keeping with what is happening at the precise moment during my lecture is my cue that I have an egocentric person on stage. You might ask, "Can't you tell when someone is faking?" It is extremely difficult many times to do so. Once you are aware of it, however, you give certain tests to the group.

Nawin told himself that his time here, if not perverted and aptly spent on the spiritual, would allow him to step out of the egocentric, crumbling tower that he was in. If nothing else he could watch ants use twigs as bridges and freeways and in so doing become aware of the existence of a tiny fraction of the 90 percent of all life that was smaller than a chicken's egg.

Finally, isolation breeds deeper introspection, and the poet is ready to start on a second revolution of the egocentric circle. If I might dwell where Israfel Hath dwelt, and he where I, He might not sing so wildly well A mortal melody, sighs Poe, and the envious note vibrates in much of modern song.